Bid Me, Stranger [Secret Santa For kclyaine]

Bid Me, Stranger [Secret Santa For kclyaine]

A Poem by Emunah June.

One man, two boards, three nails, eternal grace.


I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Delving into oceans untold

unlocking secrets hidden by the ounces of despair

When everything dissipates, what do you do?

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Whom does your heart beat for?

If no one, have you filled it with cement?

I'd tear off my own left arm

to pay the price of clearing guilt.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Its an eternal search for friends in low places.

Here, in this barrel, who are we to object?

Scum underneath our fingernails

and dirt between the cracks in our teeth.

I know you've got so many stories to tell.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Numbness evacuates all sense of loss.

That's what friends are for, don't you agree?

You seem so profound in this knowledge of freedom.

Perhaps there's something underneath your sinner sins.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

I'm a lonely soul who's shared the same brokenness

underneath the weight of the same mirror

that shattered one's own concentration

in a desperate search for whispered answers.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Dying alive is the best dream to share.

I'll fade alone in these glades, but before that

I have a message to relay from the throne of gold.

The highest seat that even strangers

can kneel before and drink.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Do you not know how loved you are?

Do you not know the King of Kings? The Lord of Lords?

Whos breath restores laughter, who's hands

have held yours when your fingers

gently kiss your pen?

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

His Son is the reason you and I

can stay friends, even after all the ashes settle.

Chains and all, do you truly understand

how one man, three nails, and two boards

are the greatest symbol of love on this gas ball?

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

Female or male, my writer friend,

I have no clue as to what you truly are.

But I can tell you for sure

as the sun rises and the dusk yawns

that I love you more than you may think possible.

I know nothing about you,

but I wish I did.

It is in His blood that we are united

on a plane of spiritual understanding

and cosmic intelligence.

You are washed, loved, and wanted

by He who died so that we may live.

I know nothing about,

but I wish I did.

Bid me, stranger

that I am not so strange.

Merely friends who've never met

and siblings who were separately born.

I love you, don't you know that?

Take that with you into this new year.

My letters are redeemable

at the altar where He sits

calling your name in a sonata of serenity.

I know nothing about you,

but I hope I will soon.

I know nothing about you,

but He knows everything. 

© 2014 Emunah June.

Author's Note

Emunah June.
I hope you enjoy this little piece! :) May you truly be blessed this Christmas in knowing how loved you are by the King.

My Review

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wow, Faith. what a broken piece. outstandingly broken and shattered. Yet, the shards don't hurt. they somehow send a gentle whisper of salvation to the passing strangers. lovely. i've read some of your works. you really put all your heart, your pains into those words. strange. strong. i think your poems have power. keep it up. God bless you

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on December 25, 2014
Last Updated on December 25, 2014


Emunah June.
Emunah June.

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