

A Poem by emz

i wrote this in about 20 minutes as part of a challenge.. my friend and i had a bit of a bet to see who ould write the best poem after randomly selecting a heading from the paper.... its not great but a bit fun.





It started off with lassie, and ended with Bruce willis,

hero's saving damsels, and mr saving Mrs.

The world revolves around proving who,

is the hardest in the camp.

Everything,s a competition to see who will be the champ.


tarzan always seemed to be, at poor Janes beck and call,

he'd rescue her and cheetah, just before they'd fall

Rhett saved miss O,Hara from the burning fires of tara,

but she never did appreciate the things that he did for her.


It's not only hollywood movies,

that poses this pretence,

it happens in reality

though it seems to make no sense.


Standing on the wear bridge, a man wants to end his life,

not thinking of his family, his children and his wife.

 The police will come and talk him down,

using words they're taught,

not knowing what he,s thinking,

inside his mind and heart.


It dosen't take big muscles, or a will to fight the weak,

revive a dying kitten, then i'll let you speak,

when a friend is close to suicide, not knowing what is next,

to listen and be there for them,

well that deserves respect.


you can keep your gorgeous hero,s,

running through broken glass,

i,d rather have the ones i love

for they're the ones who,ll last.


they'll help me through my heartache,

and lay my past to rest,

if ever i need a hero,

i know i have the best.



© 2008 emz

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Wow, for a 20 minute poem you did an expert job. I absolutly love this one, it is going in my favorites. Windy

Posted 16 Years Ago

it brought tears to my eyes.the poem is as beutiful as the heart behind it.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 24, 2008
Last Updated on June 4, 2008



sunderland, England

My name is Emma, i have been writing poetry since i was a young girl. I am also in the process of writing a novel. This is a complete different dicipline and i am finding it hard but will not give up... more..

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