

A Poem by Erin Lee

*For J* (This is an acrostic poem that no one but he will understand).



by Erin L George


J  ust pinch me! Pulling flesh from my bones

 verly aware of his - what the f**k does it mean? - stare:

 ssssssshhhhh! I'm busy! Casting a spell, wrapping, winding

e  ndangered thumpings - vowed never again to breathe - again!

p  leasssssse? For me? I promise - not - to

 urt you. Have I mentioned, I've always had a fondness for

p  eas? ...Pass the sweet potatos, please!

a  ll caught up, in uncoolness. I'll fake it. I'll pretend I don't miss

g  ates. Heels. Hamburger with extra cheese. Nope.

n  ot me! (Subtitle: F**k! He's staring again, at me!)

o  nly, now, this time, I'm learning to read -

n  o longer can he fool. Nor can I he. (subtitle:

i   love you). Forever. Please?

© 2010 Erin Lee

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you are right i don't really understand it but it is still good and funny in a odd way! You can feel the emotion and that makes it better:)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 2, 2010
Last Updated on February 2, 2010
Tags: erin l george, true love, soulmate, forever, poetry