

A Story by yellow devil

Sitting on a generic couch thinking about my new “family” of dire wolves.  Weaving “jack“, my new lighter, around my fingers, remembering the smile.  I name my lighters.  I call her jack because she is white.  She’s my little Cracker jack.  My last two were orange.  Their names were “Pancho”, and “Pablo”, respectively.  The couch is a reclining sectional.  My roommate, who bought the couch, broke his recliner already.  I see him eyeing the one I sit in lasciviously.  It weird’s me out.  I typed weirds and it corrects it to that s**t you see over there.  The red squiggly line is under weirds.  That one too.  The smile was captivating.  Like the gentle family feel of familiarity.  Someone with the same tics that amuse you.  If you cannot tell, I have the attention span of dust.  It just took me five minutes to find a song.  And it’s still not the one I started looking for.  Okay, it’s now on.  I say that like you are here with me, but as it probably is, you most likely read that in a blink.  But it’s a good song.  Bass Cannon inexus remix.  Squiggly line again.  You know what?  It’s under “Pancho” too.  That one too.  My Dad called me yesterday.  My Mom was at work, so I think he had to make the call while she wasn’t around.  He told me that he loved me and missed me.  Like he isn’t able to say it in front of her.  But that doesn’t bother me.  Hearing the man who is trying to take a piece of s**t and make him see the error of his ways is more valuable than any monies.  Mount Eden is f*****g amazing.  Pandora that s**t.  That and Bass Cannon.  A few commercials now and then for free music you want is a splinter I’d suffer.  So I know I didn’t spell “Direwolves” the way it’s supposed to be spelled, but the link is pretty ironic to me also.  A while back a smile said that I should check out Game of Thrones.  I stopped for a minute during a lunch break at two in the a.m. to listen to the conversation.  We all sit in the mart carts like a bunch of idiots, smoking and eating watching the main thoroughfare of ambulances, cops, crotch rockets, lifted trucks, people in exercise gear, the drunk couple that apparently fell out of the cab when they stopped at the ATM.  I was inside for that one.  There are six of us.  I already claim “ghost” as the one I identify with the most.  And these guys are my psuedofamily while I reflect on the havocs I’ve wreaked on those around me.  I want a star fruit.  I wonder if I can glaze a cake with star fruit slices?  Candy them s***s or something.  I’m feeling vaklempft.  Talk amongst yourselves.  The subject is…that b*****d cake idea.  My name translates into wolf shield.  I admire wolves like…dude, I lost my word.  I call “ghost” because I feel like the protector of a b*****d son.  But not albino.  Although I’ve developed this weird a*s loss of pigmentation on my shoulders.  I’d show it, but I forgot how to post pics in these pieces.  I’m going to the library to post this s**t.  I have no title. I think I’m losing what little grasp I had.  Oh, and my GTL had a concussion last night.  It was a fucked up night.

© 2013 yellow devil

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Checking up on my Buddy...
You have written out a scene quite scattered like your 5 min attention span. LOL
May your days Of Pondering remain light... May the heavy be behind you...

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

yellow devil

10 Years Ago

All I see is a square.
Priscilla Sayers

10 Years Ago

LOL it was a smiley face from phone sorry Buddy...
Here you go
yellow devil

10 Years Ago

And I now have another smile to add to my wings. The nose seems out of proportion though. I'll tak.. read more

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1 Review
Added on August 11, 2013
Last Updated on August 11, 2013


yellow devil
yellow devil

Memories are my greatest enemies. more..
