Our Forbidden Love, Love like Cherry Blossoms

Our Forbidden Love, Love like Cherry Blossoms

A Poem by Fanciful Goddess

"Our Forbidden Love, Love like Cherry Blossoms"
The past we shared was full of romance, blood and tears. It was forbidden, our love. I wanted to be with you forever. I was mad, then I met you. I was happy instantly. The fight that should of taken either one of our lives turned into love. Blossomed into a beautiful rose. Romance bloomed that night on the battlefield. I looked into your brilliant eyes, I immediately had emotions, no one has ever given me. "You're lovely, I can't kill.. You should be my wife", he said. I giggled with a slight blush. I was falling in love I knew it. I smiled as he smiled and looked into my eyes. Something in his eyes told me he was deep down a good person. I felt safe, not that I need to be taken care of. I kill lots of devil's minions. They are strong. Standing in a garden of roses under the light of the moon. Our secret romantic rendezvous. We got close. I fell deeper in love. A few Angels and Devils have caught us, but I beheaded them even knocked the Angels unconscious. But our last time together we didn't notice the two spies. Our love was forbidden cause I was an angel and he was a devil. We were reborn an met again our memories were hazy came back little by little. Our love is like cherry blossoms it blooms, blossoms and comes back just as beautiful.

© 2016 Fanciful Goddess

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Added on June 20, 2016
Last Updated on September 16, 2016
Tags: Cherry blossoms, japan, forbidden, forbidden love, love, blossoms, flowers, rose, garden, angel, devil


Fanciful Goddess
Fanciful Goddess

myrtle beach, SC

(ABOUT ME) Brandy Nicole Taylor June 27,1986 Brown hair Brown eyes 5"1" I'm 25 years old -------------------- (´-`).。oO( Oops I farted ψ(`∇&ac.. more..
