To My Daughter Who I will Never Meet
A Poem by Fenix Flight
Still born 

Little Carole Jean You were born to early Only 5 months into my pregnancy Born without a heartbeat
I held you in my arms So tiny so fragile 8.6oz and only 21 inches long But so beautiful and pure
You had your daddy's long legs And my annoying chin Nine Perfect Baby fingers And Your tiny feet so cute
I'm so sorry babygirl That mommy couldn't protect you I failed you little one Please can you forgive me.
I see how Daddy cries for you His eyes show how much he misses you You were his world, his little princess
I miss you so much I miss you growing inside me Watching your daddy wrap his arms around my tummy And say he is on protection duty
I wish I could have watched you grow up I can picture you in my mind Dark unruly red hair And bright blue eyes like daddy
Your dad would have had to chase all the boys away
I wish I could wake up from this nightmare And erase this whole last week Look down and see my bellies small bump Can I go back to when things were good?
Rest Easy Carole Jean Be safe up there ok? You have a whole lot of people to meet you there And a whole lot of people still yet to come
I will see you again one day Until then please be good. I cant wait to hold you again And I know Daddy can't either.
We will be a family again one day Until then you are always in my heart. I will NEVER forget you I dont think I ever could
I love you daughter And forever always will You are with me for eternity
My little baby Carole Jean
© 2017 Fenix Flight
Author's Note
Carole Jean. Born Friday May 26th at 9:01PM weighting 8.6 oz and only 21cm long.
Born Still but never the Less still Born.
I love you Carole Jean and mama always will baby girl
Fenix FlightKingdom Of Amythest, ME
Please Call me Fenix (Fen-nicks) (The FEN is pronouced the same way you would pronouce the FEN in Fenway) its more my name then the one I was given at birth. I wont put my life story here. You will se.. more..