A Poem by FlawedByDesign

Collaboration with the one and only, Corey Rowley...Thanks for doing this bud.



She spoke to me in dance
of knives in her crimson hair,
stroking my desire, with
the flutter of razorblades
in her voracious eyes.
Her scent, musty and ripe,
like the smell of dead dreams,
telling of the sophistication
of her animal (cougar) years.

Song one God played on vinyl
A ditty He called Lust
Her cuts were not made deeply
But her blades were edged with rust
Song two God played Experience
Through a tinny megaphone
For years of making men from boys
By cutting to the bone

She laid my gaudy days to rest,
on a bed of shattered glass
and sat on their shoulders (playfully),
"It goes down better when it bleeds",
she said, cracking a sadistic smile.
Her burlesque fingers nailed me
to the ground, burning my skin
like the butt of a cigarette
her lips extinguish on mine.

The third a song of Reality
As she took me for a ride
The cuts turn to smoking stabs 
Wounds you cannot hide
God spins the fourth, the song of death
A tune they both adore
She trades the knives for a Samurai blade
My head rolls 'cross the floor

She cat-walked over the blood
stained carpet (nonchalant as always),
cut into my cranium and
kissed my eyes good night
while breathing lilies on my face.
Her hands, cold as summer snow,
burning the memory of me
onto her mantle; Corey on
my right, her third husband on the left.


© 2010 FlawedByDesign

Author's Note

This is a surreal piece (my first). Thanks to Corey for going along :)

Thank you for the feedback should you leave it.

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Featured Review

Very nice...the singsong quality fashioned from disparate styles of two poets...
sensational imagery of one we love seen as a goddess with qualities thar are otherworldly...ho in our mind we subject ourselves to their every godly whim...like the male Praying Mantis that loves his queen as if there were no tomorrow because for him there IS NO TOMORROW...
I wonder if there would be divorce if we all loved that way...thought provoking...
Great poem...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


An intense and powerful poem. The imagery is fantastic. This is a very masterful combo. Thanks for sharing guys and congradulations on such a great work. I really enjoyed reading this. It was a great ride.

Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

Very nice...the singsong quality fashioned from disparate styles of two poets...
sensational imagery of one we love seen as a goddess with qualities thar are otherworldly...ho in our mind we subject ourselves to their every godly whim...like the male Praying Mantis that loves his queen as if there were no tomorrow because for him there IS NO TOMORROW...
I wonder if there would be divorce if we all loved that way...thought provoking...
Great poem...

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I agree, your description is brilliant. The second and the second last stanza inspire me.

Posted 13 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Amazing words and great description. I hope I don't meet a woman like this one. The language create some wild vision and a great story. In my lifetime. Those older woman who knew the right road could leave you broke down and beaten. A outstanding poem. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this was very captivating. I forgot where I was. Quite an intriguing write. Powerfully moving...superb imagery. This was a magnificent collaboration....

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very captivating. One of my favorite things in writing of any kind is the inclusion of all senses including smell, taste, and sound, that are sometimes not featured. You did a great job of incorporating all the senses in a grand picture, burned into my soul.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hello again Ivan,

Excellent, and again with the imagery very vivid. This flowed together very very well, I would not have guessed there to be a second writer. Which is terrible on my part considering there are distinct differences in the writing.

You have a talent here, I do hope you are persuing it in all aspects. It would be ashame to keep this type of writing from the General public.



Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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22 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 5, 2010
Last Updated on September 22, 2010
Tags: poem, poetry, cougar, god, surreal, mature, experience, song



Stratford, Ontario, Canada

The name is Ivan - I'm 31. I am originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina. I left my country in 94 because of the civil war. After emigrating, my family lived in France for 2 years before coming to Canad.. more..


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