

A Poem by Gavin Keary

what happened in the cosmos for me to deserve this?


Why does everything

happen to me?

I pay my dues,

I give more than recieve,

Everything that can go wrong

DOES go wrong.

A walking example

of Murphy's law, I am.

when will my time come?

When will be my time to shine?

© 2008 Gavin Keary

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you are shinning now that you know where the light is ..in ur soul ,
patients is a virtue to those who learn the ways of love,,nice write i just wish u put more in it than just an enigma ..u are promising my friend peace wizthom
they say every dog has it's day..
and every bird flies away

every star has twinkle
every moon has it's glow,
but when it comes to mine,
when will it be my time,
when it be my turn to shine,,see how simple that was ,,fee the words
give them life as u see life around you in you,

Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes this is a true feeling of most people at least from time to time. On the other side there always some one who has it worst. Like the poor person who has all the problems in the world and he can not even write on writerscafe to vent. Or how about that poor fellow who sold his soul to the devil only to get run over by a city bus two minutes later and go straight hell.

Posted 16 Years Ago

I think we all wonder these thing at some point... kind of in that spot right now myself so I can completely relate... its short but it has great flow and that is the biggest thing... so great write!


Posted 16 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on May 8, 2008


Gavin Keary
Gavin Keary

Some of my major inspiration would have to be my life in general, other people's lives (I am fascinated by other people's lives). Authors that I look up to would be Tolkien, Poe, Spider Robinson,.. more..

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