

A Story by GlamGirl

She drove the car past my road, not even flinching. I sat up in my seat, anxious to get home.
"Kate, my house-"
"I know."
She continued driving. I slouched back into my seat, waiting for her idea of a punch line. She took a sharp right turn onto a unpaved path in the woods. She let the car roll to a stop, as there was no one around.
"Now what?" I demanded, not turning to look at her.
I turned my gaze to where we currently were. The sun was just settling behind the mountains, producing a lovely glow that shone through the trees. Out of the corner of my eye, I could tell that she was staring at me. F**k.
Her voice sent a chill down my spine as it broke the silence.
"Why do you think I brought you here?"
"Do you wanna know why?"
My gaze left the dark landscape and moved to her face. Her dark brown hair was down, left natural. She knew I liked it that way. My eyes traced down to her to-die-for collar bone down to her floral print dress that she had probably bought just for tonight.
"Yeah," I finally replied, the word airy.
I fought back the smile that crept to my lips. That was her pet name for me.
"I love you."
The only thing left to hear was our breathing. In, out. I counted the breathes we took before she spoke again. 37.
"Do you love me?"
"F**k, Kate," I blurted, "You can't just ask somebody that."
"So you don't."
Another silence. This time, the air was heavy. Did I love her?
I slowly reached over my lap to unbuckle my seat belt. She seemed to suddenly read my mind and she turned away from the window. Her pale face came towards me, as her hand brushed my chin. The next thing I knew, her lips were pressed against mine. She gently pulled away and returned to her former position. I caught my breath.
"I do," I whispered. 
Smiling, she turned the keys in the ignition and started to drive. 

© 2012 GlamGirl

Author's Note

Just... something xP

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Loved it :)

Posted 11 Years Ago

Its short and sweet, beautifully written. (:
The emotion and the actions of the characters seem quite realistic, and I could accurately picture myself in the place of the main character.
If you're looking for suggestions at all, I'd say that a little more detail on the setting could be nice. Even just a sentence or two, or a few adjectives thrown in to paint another piece of the scene.
Really though, this is gorgeous, I love it. (:

Posted 12 Years Ago

A good read. Hope you will present us more and more

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very good short story. I like the tension and the questions in the story. A very good ending to a outstanding story. I like stories with good endings.

Posted 12 Years Ago

It was good, an interesting quip of a bigger story that left me wondering what kind of past these two characters had. Simple but beautifully simple. Very well done.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on May 7, 2012
Last Updated on May 7, 2012
Tags: lesbian, love, girls, girlfriend, smile, forest, happy




17, competitive dancer, musician, runner, general dork. I used to post a lot a few years ago, and I've found some interest again through a poetry class I am taking at school. Looking forward to pos.. more..

Janet Janet

A Poem by GlamGirl

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