A Poem by Rachel DeHart

This poem isn't so much about being a good poem, as it is something that I just needed to get off my chest. I 've hit this point where I have no idea what to say.


I am the easy smile,
quick to silence
always around
but never part of it

and I've accepted that.
       [sort of]

I will keep coming when called
and being this steady...
             no one.
i am prepared for that.
not for your attention.
not for a glance my way,
that makes everything,
       that I thought I had
       in working order
                 melt away.
please ignore this
beating heart of mine.
please look the other way
i am not as strong as I try to
look me in the eye
and tell me
no you don't care
and we can keep going
along like friends.
but this middle ground
of no's and maybe's isn't
cutting it for me. I am not
another scene girl who
throws herself at hard core
have you not noticed,
that my attention isn't really
focused anywhere
Cause you're all consuming.
just mean enough to
break the skin once in a while.
but baby,
       i've got a soft spot for that look
                    give me.

© 2009 Rachel DeHart

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you certainly write good poetry, and by good poetry, I get the feeling that you could probably write about the nutrition label on the side of a cereal box and make it sound good.. not that you're writing about boring things, it's just, you know what you're doing.

this is the third poem of yours that I've read, and the first one that I've found any fault in, and it wasn't a big one. second line. 'silence' is spelled wrong..

seriously, you know your stuff.. it's good. really good.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


fml - f**k my life?

Don't worry. I bet you feel good it's all off now, huh? You write good poetry so who cares, let this be the past of it all. Great emotion you got going on. Brilliantly penned!

Posted 15 Years Ago

you certainly write good poetry, and by good poetry, I get the feeling that you could probably write about the nutrition label on the side of a cereal box and make it sound good.. not that you're writing about boring things, it's just, you know what you're doing.

this is the third poem of yours that I've read, and the first one that I've found any fault in, and it wasn't a big one. second line. 'silence' is spelled wrong..

seriously, you know your stuff.. it's good. really good.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i love the emotions you've captured here...the idea of being the constant, safe, reliable friend and feeling like you could be so much more if you had the chance...
"I will keep coming when called
and being this steady...
no one."

love it.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This would be my favorite part:
"please ignore this
beating heart of mine.
please look the other way
i am not as strong as I try to

I've known the feeling well.

Sounds like the things you have "no idea what to say" are pretty deep.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on January 27, 2009
Last Updated on January 29, 2009


Rachel DeHart
Rachel DeHart

Falls Church, VA

Every day I wake up now is a gift, because I tried to stop the sun from rising. I find talking to be the hardest thing ever, but I am trying to find the words. My hair is a constantly changing cre.. more..


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