My First Dance With You

My First Dance With You

A Poem by Katie Smith

I hope this happens to me tomorow.

Music pounding,
Couples Dancing.
I sit alone, drinking,
Not expecting you
To come to me with your hand out
For me to take.
I take it and smile.
You put your hands on my waist,
I put my hands on your shoulders.
We start to sway to and fro while daggers are being thrown my way
You look at me with eyes that seem to look though me to my heart
I whisper unable to speak, "You know, you’re my first dance."
You whisper back, "I know and I am glad."
When we dance it is like we are the only two on the floor
I will never forget
My first dance with you.

© 2012 Katie Smith

Author's Note

Katie Smith
It's not quite finished but I hope you like it.

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It looks finish lol hahaha :) i really do like it i love it when guys ask you to dance haha ;)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

:) IKR! I like legit cannot wait any longer the day is gonna go by soooo slow tomorrow!
Katie Smith

11 Years Ago

Yeah it is!

11 Years Ago

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it seems finished already:) haha. It's really cute! don't change a thing! i hope your first dance goes as awesome as ours did :D

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

i know, i meant like school dance at FCA. :D
Katie Smith

11 Years Ago

oh...okay :) I'm not smart today

11 Years Ago

hahaha :)

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2 Reviews
Added on October 26, 2012
Last Updated on October 26, 2012


Katie Smith
Katie Smith


All-Star Cheerleading is my life!!! Single and love to hang out with my friends more..
