

A Poem by abdul

a poem on the history of Nigeria. a celebration of nigerias 53rd independence day




I heard of a Nigeria where the national anthem was sang heartily 

I heard of a Nigeria where respect for elders was paramount in her homes

I heard of a Nigeria where brotherliness and unity was the watchword of the citizens

I heard of a Nigeria  where everybody safeguarded her reputation with jealousy

I heard of a Nigeria where interest of the masses was paramount in the minds of the leaders

I heard of a Nigeria where education was free

I heard of a Nigeria a country where corruption was a mirage

I heard of a Nigeria where an average citizen could pour out his feelings to the government

I heard of a Nigeria where the international community regarded her citizens as great people

I heard of a Nigeria where her natural resources were used for her benefits

I heard of a Nigeria where children of the elite attended public schools

I heard of a Nigeria where politicians fought for the interest of the masses

I heard of a Nigeria where bloodshed was rarely witnessed.

I heard of a Nigeria where everybody could afford a balanced meal

I heard of a Nigeria where her citizens were accommodating, loving, generous and friendly

I heard of a Nigeria where her citizens were diligent honest and hardworking

I heard of a Nigeria where her youths were entrepreneurs and were empowered

I heard of a Nigeria where child marriage was barely heard of

I heard of a Nigeria where employment letters chased graduates

I heard of a Nigeria where law enforcement agents safeguarded lives and properties

I heard of a Nigeria where her citizen’s taxes were used to provide basic amenities

I heard of a Nigeria where musicians sang about morality

I heard of a Nigeria where there was no room for terrorism

I heard of a Nigeria with true patriots

I heard of a Nigeria where teaching was a godly profession

I heard of a Nigeria where healthcare was free

I heard of a Nigeria where farmers were empowered

I saw a Nigeria where an average Nigerian sang the national anthem just because it is a forced obligation

I saw a Nigeria where corruption is a way of life

I saw a Nigeria where respect for elders is disregarded

I saw a Nigeria where the Nigerian culture has gotten extinct

I saw a Nigeria were farmers were given mobile phones

I saw a Nigeria where unity and tranquillity is a mirage

I saw a Nigeria where nobody cares about the reputation of her name

I saw a Nigeria where prison inmates are more than free citizens

I saw a Nigeria where the rich children don’t know about the existence of the poor children

I saw a Nigeria where inter ethic conflict was embraced at the slightest opportunity

I saw a Nigeria that was placed on the terror prone list

I saw a Nigeria where her natural resources were used against her

I saw a Nigeria where children of the elite don’t know the meaning of public schools

I saw a Nigeria where money made the laws

I saw a Nigeria where our lawmakers are lawbreakers

I saw a Nigeria where our politicians engage in physical combats on government floors

I saw a publicly abused Nigeria

I saw a Nigeria where the musicians only sang about indecency

I saw a Nigeria where the rich are getting richer and the poor are not only getting poorer but dying

I saw a Nigeria where the Hippocratic Oath has become the hypocritical oath

I saw a Nigeria where youths want to ride in posh cars without hard work

I saw a Nigeria where terrorists are begged to accept amnesty

I saw a Nigeria where lawmakers pass bill of child marriage

I saw a Nigeria where law enforcement agents are trigger-happy indiscriminately killing innocent citizens

I saw a Nigeria where the taxes of its citizens were used to acquire the luxury of private jets

I saw a Nigeria where employment has turn deaf ears to the pleas of graduate

I saw a Nigeria where children only know the dictionary meaning of patriotism but are ignorant of the practical meaning

I saw a Nigeria where human rights of citizens are trampled on

I saw a Nigeria where women and girls are indiscriminately abused

I saw a Nigeria where the voice of money is louder than the voice of man

I dream of a Nigeria where the peaceful old days return

I dream of a Nigeria where education will be based on excellence not on the weight of the pocket

I dream of a fallen Nigeria rising strong and agile in the midst of sarcasm

I dream of a Nigerian child serving her with all his strength

I dream of a Nigeria where a low class citizen has leftovers

I dream of a Nigeria where we become the real Giants of Africa

I dream of a Nigeria where God’s blessings return  

I dream of a better Nigeria standing tall like the Burj khalifa

I dream of Nigeria where her democracy will be as wild as a hungry lion

I see a Nigeria topping the most peaceful countries list

I pray for a better Nigeria

I see a better Nigeria

I believe in a better Nigeria.

Nigeria A mother born out of the wombs of Africa, when you were born you contained multiplicity of diverse ethnic groups so the British tried to merge this ethnic groups together with such diversity, when the British saw your historical diversity they were so respectful of most of our traditions but others were regarded as barbaric.

  1914 was one of the years you will not forget because in that year you were amalgamated you were given your shape, size. It also gave you some of your present complexities like the diversity of culture.

In 1960 you gained independence from our colonial masters, which the prime minister was, sir Tafawa Balewa.

 Ever since you’ve struggled fought starved to raise your children. Mother your children has paid you back with evil. Because of their selfishness they stole away your joy, they robbed you of your progress, they snatched away your democracy ripped you of your peace. Here you are mother, looking haggard; your children are killing each other.

Mother what happened to the red eagle, is she dead?

Mother where are your white horses, have they been sold?

Mother where is the white strip on your clothe is it so dirty that it has been soiled

Mother remember the song you taught us when we were more little where you said O’ God of creation, direct our noble cause, guide our leaders right, help our youth the truth to know. Has our God turn deaf ears to our plea, or are our sins re too much for our prayers to be answered. Your natural resources are used against you mother. Mother wake up if you are sleeping, resurrect if you are dead, and stand up for your children for we don’t deserve this suffering. Your youth are redundant; our leaders are leading us astray. Love and honesty are mythical  .we only pray for lofty heights we have not attained . peace and justice ran away in a long time.

53 hearty cheers to Nigeria

                                        Abdul Hakeem



© 2013 abdul

Author's Note

let us all celebrate our country and be optimistic in the times of struggle and turmoil

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Added on September 28, 2013
Last Updated on September 28, 2013



abuja, northern, Nigeria

a 15 year old Nigerian willing to get advices on poems more..

my mother my mother

A Poem by abdul