breathe easy

breathe easy

A Poem by harlem_knight

its hard to pinpoint how i feel at any given moment, and to be honest, i dont know if i want to.  If i were to tap into this black hole i am sure i would come undone.  Feelings dont exist outside the matrix of ourselves so theses 0s and these 1�™s are merely idiomatic expressions. no true translations.  feelings just move through you and alter every sense we have come to rely on….and then, sits quietly, inconspicuous, in the shadows having a hearty laugh at our confusion’s expense. Why must feelings consume us so.  Like water, we treed ontop just high enough to breathe in life.  this is how we know we are alive. While we flail tiresomely the only relief we look forward to is the quasi deep breathes, those moments when we can feel air expand our lungs, circulate through our bloodstream,pass by our beating hearts, and invigorate our brain.  All of this, ironically, is feeling, yet it feels so different.
The difference between meditation and suffocation.
between living and survival…
between peace and chaos-
all would be within one breathe.

© 2015 harlem_knight

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Added on December 14, 2015
Last Updated on December 14, 2015