To Dream Perchance to Live

To Dream Perchance to Live

A Poem by HB

In endless suffocating patterns

That lance across us daily

Forcing us to give submission

From un-acceptable to gaiety.


Conformance to our locked-in rotes

Locked down to a single simple synchronization.

Is this the way to truly live,

The society we choose to live in?


It’s not so hard to be un-bound from

Some puppet,

 strangled and broken.

No Starbucks life.

No pantyhose.

No wondering where your life is going.


What is life without a little fun?

Without doing something different?

I think that I would go insane

If I truly tried to ‘fit in’.


You wonder why you’re lonely?

Why you’re always just a little sad?

If I locked my brain away as you do,

I think I too, would be going just a little mad.


It’s ok to wonder what tomorrow brings

To not know what your future holds.

For who would want to hide away,

Watching life pass by as they grow old?

© 2011 HB

Author's Note

Inspired upon reading a poem by Chris Vaillancourt, "On A Train Platform".

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I love the point that you're making with this poem. Only every day do I look at the society that I live in and wonder, "just how in the hell man has come to this point?" But we breed like rabbits, unless you're smart enough do you not breed like rabbits. But then that leaves a bunch of stupid rabbits breeding, and smart rabbits not breeding. Giving life to too many damn stupid rabbits, I think. But the poem was lovely, I haven't read one of yours that I have not liked yet, which is wonderful :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


This is a scintillating jewel of a piece. I find myself in complete agreement with it's sentiment.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love the point that you're making with this poem. Only every day do I look at the society that I live in and wonder, "just how in the hell man has come to this point?" But we breed like rabbits, unless you're smart enough do you not breed like rabbits. But then that leaves a bunch of stupid rabbits breeding, and smart rabbits not breeding. Giving life to too many damn stupid rabbits, I think. But the poem was lovely, I haven't read one of yours that I have not liked yet, which is wonderful :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on March 27, 2011
Last Updated on March 27, 2011
Tags: stuck, frustration, business



Boston, MA

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A Poem by HB

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A Poem by HB