Kiss Me Caramel

Kiss Me Caramel

A Poem by Crowley



Kiss me caramel

Then let's go round again

The touching making carnival lights

Take on fairy tale hues, bigger in the background

Releasing my expectations in heavy chested sighs

Let's go round again

Kiss me caramel

© 2018 Crowley

Author's Note

That damnable ferris wheel, not a lot of pregnancies because of it, but maybe a few cases of mono....

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This is so darned sweet I need to go check my blood sugars all over.. seriously

Posted 5 Years Ago

I believe that some people's kisses are able to be addictive. That may sound odd, but I feel it is true. Any type of love, I believe, is a carousel in and of itself. It's all a cycle, whether it ends up good or bad. This is a beautifully written piece. I feel mainly the title lured me in, but it was a wonderful expression of thoughts.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thank you again...this title came to me when we were out one night and I met a girl named Caramel. I.. read more
Really like this, seems simple but yet so much complexity in interpretation. I really enjoyed this.

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Thanks so much, I appreciate the read and the kind words and thanks for frowning me!
The Carnival lights with fairy tale hues rock the poem, setting the pace for an exhilarating, exuberant kind of love making. The title of the poem adds sweetness and a lovely stickiness to the ride! I have always been fascinated by carnivals and the amorous air to them. Loved it Crowley!

Posted 5 Years Ago

I was never a fan of ferris wheels. They make me feel giddy, and that's just looking at them. Caramel though, yes please particularly if it's salted caramel. Can't say no to that Crowley.


Posted 5 Years Ago

When I read "kiss me caramel" I thought it was some kind of endearment 😂 What a way to portray it !

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

LOL...just a memory of the ferris wheel and a girl when young, her name wasn't caramel but that just.. read more
I'm a fool for caramel, I've gotta say! I already bought two bags of Halloween guessed it! I love the play and passion you've put into this!

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Meeeeee….tooo. thanks Kelley and don't eat too much candy, you'll spoil your supper.
Kelly Scheppers

5 Years Ago

I always buy Halloween candy that I like, for nine out of ten times, I'm stuck with it. On average,.. read more

5 Years Ago

mmmmm...caramel apples. We don't at our house either so we go over to our friends sip cocktails and .. read more
I think your a lil hungry Cee...conversations can do that!lol

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Especially those Thanks Q!!!
Sounds like a chill beverage you can find in the coffee shop that would take you to the door steps of heaven...

A fairy tale mochaccino :)

Posted 5 Years Ago


5 Years Ago

Sorry so long to respond....I like Fairy Tale Mochaccino, sounds heavenly!!! Thanks!!!

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9 Reviews
Added on October 5, 2018
Last Updated on October 5, 2018



Phoenix, AZ

Like to hang out with other writers and see what's what. Have met a lot of good people on this and other sites through the years. Decided to come back and do a little posting and reading. Hit me up i.. more..

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