To the Four Winds

To the Four Winds

A Poem by Hypnos

Boreas, god of the North Wind, god of the cold,
bitter breath of winter, purple-winged herald
of snow and black ice, your beard tipped with frost,
we know you in the unmatched beauty of your realm.
Most needful one, in your season we honor you.

Zephyros, god of the West Wind, god of the seedtime,
husband of the greening fields, father of the fruited
trees, mild one, kind one, fortunate one, companion
of Eros, within your domain does love unfold.
Most needful one, in your season we honor you.

Notos, god of the South Wind, god of summer storms,
god of the soul-searing heat, of the drenching rains
and the pale, parched soil. Foe of the farmer, taker
of the wealth of the earth, destroyer of crops:
most needful one, in your season we honor you.

Euros, god of the East Wind, god of the blood-red
leaves, the golden blades of grass, by the palace
of the sun you dwell. Change is in you, O Euros;
change in the world is yours, O capricious one.
Most needful one, in your season we honor you.

© 2014 Hypnos

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Really love this, you really painted a picture and it was beautifully written. So many images ran through my mind while reading this.

Posted 9 Years Ago

That's awesome. Keep up the good work!

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2014
Last Updated on August 14, 2014




I am a humble servant of the Greek gods and an avid hunter. I enjoy being out in nature and nothing solidifies the feeling of being one with nature more for me than when I hunt. The reason I became a .. more..

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