

A Story by Kelsey B.

In the dreams of one so captivated by another, was borne a day of quiet
contentment. She lay with he in a field surrounded by spectacular rows of
undeterred and forgiving guardians, towering beacons of the earth's
natural course; blazing and bold, the sunflowers were reassuring. Man's
corruptive touch would find them not, laying in tranquil bliss. They'd be
disturbed not by the haunting reality of man's rein over the Mother Earth.
Nay, she would lay with he, brain laid to rest from the intentional
conflict man carries so readily in the glint of his eye; able to get
drunk off one another's thoughts and exist with a warm buzz of satisfaction.
Spoken word giving way to the day unperterbed by time whilst their skin
drank in the sun and kissed the wind. Sadly, so blithe a day exists not
in reality for long, but presents itself when the mind wanders fondly
where the guarians are of nature, gleaming sunflowers marking a path of
hope for the mind's peace.

© 2008 Kelsey B.

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Added on December 2, 2008


Kelsey B.
Kelsey B.

San Diego, CA

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