I lost my Inspiration.

I lost my Inspiration.

A Poem by Escape My Fate

I dont know what to write anymore
I have my pen and paper in front of me
But i just stare at it
Its as blank as my head.
I try really hard to come up with something
But i just can anymore.
I throw them both on the ground
I sit down in the corner of my room
And i wrap my arms around my knees.
I close my eyes and think
I used to pour out everything onto paper
And just write it down on here
And everyone loved it
Even though I've never really tried
I dont know what to write anymore. 
I try and try again
But i only fail
I pull the hairs on my head
Why is this happening?
Why is this happening now?
I walk over to my desk
And take out another pen and piece of paper
On it I write seven big words
"I'm not meant to be a writer."
I just cant write anymore.

© 2010 Escape My Fate

Author's Note

Escape My Fate
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Hmm. This is a very honest and direct poem. My initial reaction is that it could benefit from a bit of polish, but overall, it's strong and reaches out directly to the reader. Everyone has had a moment like this and it has relevance for all of us. I like your use of questions and exclamations to change the pace and highlight important parts of the poem. Remember that all creative people will have times when it is hard to create, it's not something that is given to you to be infallible and available to you at any time, value the moments when you can create something worthwhile, and try to distill all the other moments into those valuable times. What is really good about this poem is that you have taken a moment of despair as to your creative ability, and have turned that into something in itself, which is a really good approach and shows you to be a true writer, because you have been able to take your feelings and use them creatively, regardless of how destructive the actual emotion might be. It gives the poem an overall positivity, and I am sure that you are a naturally positive person, who will succeed, so long as you continue to take your demons and use them in a creative way.

Posted 13 Years Ago

this just came to mind..
your writing is so alive,its like you are sitting near and thinking in a loud voice
and nagging all the time ,off course in a very sweet way,i would always tell you to stop
though i keep laughing..i just love the spirit ,the way you write
i hope i could think like this while i am feeling down like you say ,ha ha

Posted 13 Years Ago

no i can tell you for sure,i hope you are meant to be a write
there is a sweat soul ,loving ,and dreamy ,though always so angry,ha ha
even your trials and getting mad that you could not write
the way you told this ,even that was lovely way being told
never quit,just as i always say ,close your eyes and almost
sleep put down your dreams ,no mater how nutty or crazy they would seem
i am sure i will like it even then ,ha ha
lovely write..

Posted 13 Years Ago

Aww, I thought that this was a really honest, well-written poem. The frustration and confusion that you expressed in this piece was something that I, and I'm sure a lot of other writers as well, can relate to. The self-doubt in particular was something that hit a raw nerve with me, as it's definitely something that I've come across in the past. There were a few errors here and there in terms of grammar and mistakes in tense, but nothing that a bit of proof reading can't fix. :) Nice work,

Posted 13 Years Ago

AH! I hope this poem is not true! Your writing skills are excellent, even displayed in this poem!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 28, 2010
Last Updated on November 28, 2010

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