Talking S**t

Talking S**t

A Poem by Escape My Fate

You think your so badass
Talking s**t behind my back
When im two feet away from you
Well i got news for you
It only makes you look like a scared wimp
How about you come up to my Face
And mock me then
And tell me the rumors your spreading
Thats when the fun begins
A crowd will form around us
in a circle for they know its coming
We'll trash talk a bit
Then I'll take the first hit
I'll put all my anger into this one punch
And trust me 
You'll pretend to be okay
Like it didnt hurt one bit
But inside your crying
And fear is rising
We engage in a nice fight
Punches are thrown
Hair is pulled
The people around us are getting exited
I'll pin you down
And whisper in your ear
"I hate you w***e,
Lets end this NOW"
We continue for a while
But then the principal pulls us apart
But i give you a smile
A smile you'll have nightmares about.
You know this isnt over.
Now all i have to do is wait.
I'm a warrior
Never giving in.
And you know I'll end you
Cause your a B***h.

© 2010 Escape My Fate

Author's Note

Escape My Fate

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I'm 61 and I'm still like this honey, only now I have my cane and trust me, I know how to bring upside the head. The best thing to do with someone like this, is when no one else is around, tell them they better watch around every corner or when they close their eyes at night because they'll never know what hit them.

Don't hit them, just scare them. Say it real soft and walk away.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I love this poem too. It made me feel a lot stronger than I have been lately. I know you have a lot of power. This poem was really strong. I loved it a lot. You did awesome. Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Ohh i loved this ..its explosion of anger and with much humor in it
i always liked how your thoughts explode,in cascade fashion
one leading to the other ,you have a great way to talk out your thoughts
in a lovable way..i think you have a lovely core,
i really enjoyed this,really dont know exactly why
ha ha,if you go romantic about it a little,it will be great
lovely write

Posted 13 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on November 29, 2010
Last Updated on November 29, 2010

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