I can see your pain

I can see your pain

A Poem by vampireprincess

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I can feel his tears on my skin
I can see his frown soon begin
Under the smile that was always fake
I can taste the sour of his tounge from his disgust
I can tell somethings bothering you
I can understand that the sadness I see in you is true
It disgust me,Like a bad taste
Your lost became mine also
When I started to feel what you felt.
I want to feel more of your emothions
I want to cry because your crying
I want to hear your heartbeat go faster
With adrenaline speeding through your veins.
I can see your pain.

© 2011 vampireprincess

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Added on March 10, 2011
Last Updated on March 10, 2011



south holland, IL

Hi i love to watch naruto and play video games espeicially guitar hero and i frankly watch any type of anime show and love comedy shows and movies and i love to write stories and i plan on being a wri.. more..

chapter 2 chapter 2

A Chapter by vampireprincess