Rainbow flag

Rainbow flag

A Poem by Imogen.E

Pink is for sexual persuasion we think
Red is for life and it follows from pink
Orange for healing and fixing the sore
Yellow for sunshine above daily war
Green is for nature we see every day
Blue is for art and our heart as we play
Indigo for harmony this world we live in
Violet for spirit some good and some sin

Support LGTB to help millions near
What they think and they feel is never so clear
Bullied by classmates and people alike
What's happening to gays will never be right

© 2014 Imogen.E

Author's Note

A boy in my local area took his life last week as he was bullied severely by other boys because he was gay. I wrote this for him using the colours of the LGTB rainbow flag, each colour representing a different meaning. I hope you like it.

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Very moving, love is love :) x

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

It certainly is, all you need is love and faith, no matter what it is for. Thanks for reading I'm gl.. read more
powerful poem, thank you for sharing.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Its sad to hear of lives lost due to ignorance and fears. It points to a cause everyone should respond ... with support for the rights of individuals to believe what they do. A nice reminder.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, I'm glad you agree with me. It's so sad that it had to end that way.
This is such a nice thing to do .People need to live and let live :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Yeah that is very true, I'm glad you liked this :)
This was sweet of you to write this boy this poem.
I love how you have wrote this color thing its pretty cool.
It sucks how people are bulled.
I can only imagine how much crap someone would get for being gay,or having a sex change.
The world is a cruel place and people can be very very mean.
I use to get bullied to I had low confidence was shy and quiet and I have a learning disability.
That's nothing compared to being gay, so I can't begin to imagine how much he got picked on.
It doesn't help your self esteem at all.
Its sad because gays are still the same person they have always been, most of them are quite the characters and are quiet funny.
Anyway this was a very meaningful and respectable poem.
I enjoyed the read allot.
God bless that poor boy, my heart goes out to him.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks a lot, he took a lot of bullying for a long time but for him, enough was enough, I'm glad you.. read more
cimmy wuv xxxooo

10 Years Ago

I did, yer it would have been to much for him poor guy.
your welcome:)
Something everyone should read I think. I respect you for standing up for what you believe in. Its wrong that it's taken this long and gay marriage still isn't legalized. Even if you don't agree with it, why wouldn't you want to see people happy whats the cost to you? I always wanted to write something like this but I dont know what its like and am afraid I might offend somebody.

I would give it 120/100 if I could

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thankyou so much, fortunately in Britain, gay marriage has finally legalised gay marriage and I beli.. read more
love that!!!! it really speaks to me.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Casey Sanchez

10 Years Ago

well I like girls and that made me feel like someone somewhere out there actually understands and ge.. read more

10 Years Ago

There is always someone out there who will understand us more than anyone else, I'm obviously a bit .. read more
Casey Sanchez

10 Years Ago

but thank you so much.
People should never bully people for what they feel or believe. Great write!

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you enjoyed this :)
Erik Daniel

10 Years Ago

You should check out my new poem dear child. I think you would like it.

10 Years Ago

Okay I will :)
Well writen, portraying a very real problem, sorry to hear about the guy in your area, I'm just glad my college is a little more tolerable, great piece :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed it. The boy didn't go to my school as I go to a school a little b.. read more
Jackson H. Harley

10 Years Ago

My pleasure, I found it relatable I guess :) and I bet he was :)
A strong and emotive poem. Thank you for sharing...:)..................

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks for reviewing, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Sami Khalil

10 Years Ago

I did...You are welcome...:)..............

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20 Reviews
Added on March 10, 2014
Last Updated on March 10, 2014



Salisbury, United Kingdom

Hey, My name is Imogen, most call me Immy. I'm twelve years old and I live in England. I have one older sister who is fifteen and she means the world to me, I'd never wish for a another sister or b.. more..

Chapter 1. Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Imogen.E

Chapter 1. Chapter 1.

A Chapter by Imogen.E

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