

A Poem by My Name is Brenda and I'm a Writer

For my husband




Among wishes, I am your candle.
Among journeys, I am your road map.
Among losses, I am your lesson.
Among anger, I am your fist.
Among heartbreak, I am your clown.
Among deep forests, I am your breadcrumb.
Among the dying, I hold the ashes.
Among the hungry, I hold the bread.
Among Time, I count the minutes.
Among danger, I am your comfort.
Among delight, I am your mirror.
Among cold nights, I am your blanket.
Among eternity, I share your emptiness.
Among memories, we'll be forgotten.
Among regrets, I am your biggest regret.
Among regrets, I am the reason you have no sons.
Among barrenness, I am your wife.

© 2008 My Name is Brenda and I'm a Writer

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...

My Review

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I love'd reading this. Knowing what you're going through,I could relate. The theme of among the things of life you kept throughout reallymade it flow. And then when you get towards the end and showing that there is a darker side to this light, really ties into the title. I throughly enjoyed resding this. Thank you.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very beautifully written poem, heartfelt and full of emotion. I had to reread it a few times, and each time my heart skipped a beat as I read the last line.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on February 5, 2008


My Name is Brenda and I'm a Writer
My Name is Brenda and I'm a Writer

Falls Church, VA

My first novel was inspired by my own childhood on Pungo Creek in rural North Carolina where I grew up in a house shared by three generations. It seems it took a lifetime to write but it was actually.. more..
