Feeding My Senses

Feeding My Senses

A Poem by Anita B Jacques

By the sea is where I love to be

Feeling the warm sand under my feet

I stare at it's beauty as far my eyes can see

Feeding my senses

Tasting the salty spray on my lips

The sound from children still at play at sunset

So much alive I feel

Like the bent grass by the waves receding

As the lights reflects on the waves in motion

Surprised to see the moon rising

A full moon

Taking it's place among the stars

 Spectacular and Spiritual

Feeding my senses.

© 2013 Anita B Jacques

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You put me in the scene and I feel relaxed. A perfect setting.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on December 1, 2009
Last Updated on December 3, 2013
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Anita B Jacques
Anita B Jacques

Greenfield, MA

I'm just a novice in poetry. English is my second language, I was born and educated in France. My paintings are on the back burner for the moment. I love this site and enjoy writing (If I can call it .. more..


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