A Gift Adored

A Gift Adored

A Poem by Jack...

Pulled from the darkness by love



A Gift Adored

By jack


Out walking through the countryside

Its beauty shined alarming

Grassy hills and valleys green

Alluring and so charming


I gazed upon a sky so blue

Wispy clouds of pearl

A sun shone bright, its smile bold

Fallen leaves a swirl


A crystal stream meandering

Atop a slippery bed

Wondrous colors, soft and bold

At play inside my head


I felt the breeze, the coolness then

A trace of sweet, a hint of love

A gentle song melodically

Calming still from up above


More wonderful I have not seen

Knowledge felt inside

My deepest fear, my darkest thoughts

In nature I confide


Surely she would understand

Her saplings bending free

Each change throughout the planet life

Would change in front of me


The door ajar, a heart of gold

Two arms spread open wide

Calling me to climb aboard

Welcomed me inside


Though what is this, my footing lost

Once up and now I fell

Black surrounds my every word

O’er I need to tell


I landed with an awful thud

Nothing more to see

Focusing, I could not find

My hand in front of me


Alone I lay, alone I pray

For whom did this I owe

Emptiness it held the key

The lock an angry foe


A pleading breath, a clenching fist

A Sad and lonely heart

Dampness creeps within my soul

Ripping me a part


Continues not the map onto

Plans are made and kept

Strength has left, my bodies sore

I limply sat and wept


Despair abounds, following

Each turn this day unfolds

Hurt revolves inside my soul

Sapping time untold


Sorrow knocks on my front door

Its feet upon my mat

Come on in, I am at home

Let’s just sit and chat


Regret is heavy on its breath

A crooked smile appears

My friend, he says, we are one

At least that’s what I hear


Now darkness even darker

If possible that is

Cold beyond a temperature

Chilling life within


Dare not touch me, I command

A neighbor you’ll not be

One last plead to higher worlds

Please send some light to me


But why should I expect this gift

How does it relate

To others watched from up above

From beyond the gate


Suddenly a touch evolves

Another voice demands my eye

The more the merry, have a seat

Forgive me if I cry


Tearing eyes did not appear

Different was the strangers look

A smile I know I’ve seen before

Her reaching hand I took


Lifting level towards the open

Slim portal of truth

A tiny light grew larger still

An opening in the roof


Holding tight for dearest life

Her grasp was taut and firm

Butterflies now filled the air

And in my stomach squirm


I knew her once, but long ago

How could she be the same

I knew her laugh, I knew her love

I often thought her name


Higher still we climbed with ease

At least that’s how it seemed

It’s come again, now happening

Akin my constant dream


When suddenly the sun appeared

Lushness on display

The blue birds were just as they were

Two loving birds of play


I saw her face, a perfect sight

Her eyes like diamonds shone

Skin like silk, satin smooth

Her hair a golden tone


I quickly fell upon my knees

Looking to the endless sky

Seeking answers, questions sail

My Lord I ask, who am I


How is it a man like me

Deserves this angel’s touch

Important I surely am not

Important not so much


She touched my face, my heart felt light

Please stand with me dear soul

I’ve waited many a year for you

Your futures now, behold


You and I were meant to be

There is no other way

Something special in the air

The Blue Birds are at play


Brilliantly the sun it shines

When next to me you stand

Breezes happily go their way

Across this spacious land


You’re safe with me, as I with you

No longer to despair

Your heart is one within my chest

It always has been there


I’ve longed for thee

My whole life through

My heart it speaks

My heart is true


I look again upon her face

Love now filled my plain

I took her hand, I held it tight

I won’t let go again


For anything that you desire

Your wish is my command

I’ll risk my life to shelter you

What ever the demand


You saved my life, rescuing me

From sorrow and it’s pain

I adored you once, so long ago

I adore you once again


© 2013 Jack...

Author's Note

Thank you for reading

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I love your rhyming. I'm no good at it, so I never bother :P
I can see you've spent a long time on this. And it was time well spent! I love the emotional journey of being loved that you have described and captured here. This is amazing!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so very much. I had a story to tell and told it, though I got a little long winded. :)>
Blue Ivory

11 Years Ago

How much you write just shows how much it means to you.
I like the reflective tone in the beginning, and the heavy font for the dark thoughts was a really nice touch, same, too, goes for the italics used for the woman's voice...very clever and not the slightest bit distracting. I can't even believe I'm about to point this out, but it snagged my brain a little and if I didn't mention it, it would be working that bit of gray matter all night, you know? "Her grasp was taught and firm..." I think you were going for the word "taut"...assuming her grasp is not a school teacher ;-) Every other word is gold...

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much Kimmer, though I did learn a few things from her grasp :) I will correct that mistake.. read more

11 Years Ago

Ha! ;-) My pleasure, Jack...always.
Very long, but very well done. ;) Excellent work!! (:

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much. This was one I wrote after a long hiatus from writing.
phew.. that was a long poem. but it was worth my while as all your other poems are. thank you for sharing this :) and i love the last stanza, it was so heartfelt :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you for spending the time with my poem.
that is lengthy poem but most defiantly worth it, i really enjoy reading poem that paints pictures with words and this poem has. I can imagine poem coming alive. I really amazing poem

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much Patti. I am happy you enjoyed it.
Although I find this piece quite long, i must say it's very engaging. Your skill of painting imagery through words is absolutely superb.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so much. I realize that the length is a bit much and I appreciate you taking the time to r.. read more
Amazing job, one of your best work....loved every stanza of it...great job

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much Nick
100 % National Treasure! Right now, I am talking about right now, I am excited to own one of your books. Great perfect piece!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank so very much. I am pleased you enjoyed my lengthy poem.
... And then i was left longing for more! Well done my friend!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much
I loved the almost epic length of this one, I wasn't frightened off by it because it was so free flowing. I love your poetic voice, and the imagery that you so skillfully use. Nicely done, my friend!

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you so very much. I am happy you jumped in a read the whole thing. :) Truly I appreciate you.. read more

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17 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 19, 2013
Last Updated on April 4, 2013
Tags: Love, darkness, Light



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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