Disintegrating Dreams

Disintegrating Dreams

A Poem by Jack...

Where do the days go???







Disintegrating dreams


I find I can no longer stand

as this ground about me shakes with might

Thunderous hooves of imaginary wild horses,

panting in heavy breaths, kicking dust before soiled eyes,

claiming to take down fences

of wire and stick, laying waste in sun dried foot prints

creating a mosaic of dream-like designs,

spiraling uncontrolled as the artist fades like fall colors

still trapping hopeless romantic thoughts,

locked within reach and just out of sight


Challenging the earth to steady the plates

suspended above me on thin shafts of deep desire,

spinning like clocks in an opposite direction

telling time it has no place here


Finding that truth is the enemy, I pull the drapes knowing

doorways will caress thresholds that keep out the draft yet allow the sunlight

to mimic the scattered shade cooling the needs

beneath a paper fortresses…and my heart sighs


For this is life, in its starkest reality,

and what was pictured in youth lingers in the minds of the old

Pasting cobwebs for effect and smiles not as genuine as they may seem

For the days pass and with them opportunities fly like a crying dove

as morning light counts another moment from this existence

Why does it seem that endless possibilities end, forever wishes

drown at the bottom of the well amidst even older pennies,

Patina claims the skin in the name of a love

found but not shared, carried upon shoulders,

as nothing else is left but to wait


and my dreams no longer wait for me








© 2013 Jack...

Author's Note

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Amazing imagrey Jack. A true tale of reaching a certain age and the seeming mockery of our dreams. Well penned. Solidly constructed. A great write.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much Steve. I am humbled by your visit. I truly appreciate your kind words to me.
Poetry drives you Jack, its like its etched in your brain, some what like every word is in your hands and you just get it out and combine with so many other words to get a flowing write like this one, I never stop wondering how you do it. This is good, and you really know how to bring out every emotion in every piece that you write. This is now shelved.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Wow, Cassie, my morning is now bright because of your visit. Thank you ever so much.
This is amazing writing, Jack; I reached its end and immediately read it again and aloud, savouring phrases, so many wonderful phrases and truly i found the sadness and shared it for a while. But then, I realise that as long as YOU can find words like these, you should never say times too late for anything! In and with words the body can do more than ever thought or dreamed, love. Think of those dear souls who tragically don't have your creativity!

'Pasting cobwebs for affect and smiles not as genuine as they may seem
For the days pass and with them opportunities fly like a crying dove
as morning light counts another moment from this existence'

Did you mean to make me cry on such a wonderfully bright day? No matter, they're also tears of respect.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my sweet Garden Girl. Sadness would be my life if i were to make you cry.
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this ground about me shakes with might
Thunderous hooves of imaginary wild horses...

"Imaginary wild horses"... I think that's what dreams of youth are. So fleeting, and often uncatchable...

There is a stark melancholy in this piece, Jack, that I hope is not lingering in your heart. The dreams of youth may be gone, but the joys of today are sweet...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so much Rita.
and my dreams no longer wait for me -- haunting...and what a wonderful choice in terms of ending this piece with that off-set line.

I like the story you have told here, and even in the tragedy there is beauty; even in the darkness there is light. Even when it feels as though nothing is left...there always is.

Challenging the earth to steady the plates
suspended above me on thin shafts of deep desire,
spinning like clocks in an opposite direction
telling time it has no place here -- particularly loved this stanza...so thought provoking.

Really enjoyed this one, Jack.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my friend. I always enjoy your visits to my work.
you hit the button every time Jack.....brilliant use of a wonderful language

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much my friend.
"what was pictured in youth remains in the minds of the old"
Yes, and sadly, we let go of those dreams. We simply let our dreams slip away from us...we watch as our "endless possibilities end, forever wishes drown at the bottom of the well amidst even older pennies"...
Okay, there are some things we cannot do any more...but there are lots of things that we can do still. Okay, we don't have as much time as once we had...the ticking of the clock brings us closer to the inevitable end. And yet, we have not learned. We continue to waste time as if we still had endless days...

How silly we are...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Pretty silly I guess. Just some thoughts back to dreams I had, that it is a little late for now. I c.. read more

10 Years Ago

You know, I had the same dream in high school...I was going to sing. That's all that mattered to me.. read more
"as this ground about me shakes with might
Thunderous hooves of imaginary wild horses,
panting in heavy breaths, kicking dust before soiled eyes,
claiming to take down fences"

What a brilliant analogy, Jack! The "thunderous hooves" deliver quite an impact upon awakening
from the depths of a dream.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much Kelly. I am honored you chose to visit my poem today. Always your kind words .. read more
Kelly Scheppers

10 Years Ago

It's my pleasure, Jack. You are a genuinely warm and sincere person...it comes through your poetry!
I know your dreams will never abandon you Jack, anyone who could write such luverly poetry endlessly has dreams stored for many moons to come. You know I love this one, outstanding my friend.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much, this means a lot coming from one of my dream poets.
I love that second stanza...but I could quote the whole thing...every line carries its own distinct image yet they all come together to form this surreal tapestry that in some places sounds like the plight of an artist...well done Jack :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much Steve. Kind of where I was at that day.

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23 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 20, 2013
Last Updated on August 26, 2013



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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