What do you think?

What do you think?

A Poem by Jack...


What do you think?



What do you think when you look out the window

forgetting the snow that does cover the ground

do you see posies and butterflies floating

hearing the rush of a zephyr's sweet sound?




how can it be that the trees are all barren

where are the leaves that my eyes used to find

lost are the smiles that fade during dreaming

nightmares in green force their way in my mind?




sun softened beaches are waiting for summer

blue ocean scenes I will truly adore

hurry, I’m waiting, it’s taking forever

I need some warmth and a day at the shore?





chilled to the bone with the temperature dropping

why can’t you be here, I do miss you so

how could you leave when you knew that I loved you

tell me please tell me oh why did you go?




what do you think when you look out the window

staring a blank at the edge of the view

cupping your hands in a fit of frustration

why don’t you know that I’m always with you?



© 2014 Jack...

Author's Note

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So beautiful, Jack... you have a way with bending words...
The yearning can be unbearable at times... I can relate...

What do I think?... I think this is timeless...

A heartfelt write, my friend!~xoxo~:)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my sweet friend. I always am thrilled when you visit my world.
This is incredible. I love the rhyming, as well. :]

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much Brittany. I appreciate your kindness.
Incredibly picturesque and masterfully crafted, which are trademarks of your style and voice. As most of my ideas come while looking out my window, I could relate to this deeply. Great work as always Jack.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Steve. I am thrilled you enjoyed this one.
You can see with your eyes, or you can see with your heart...

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Yes you are correct my friend. Thanks so much for your kindness Marie.
She may have forgotten because her brain froze.. ;) It's a bad winter Jack...after she reads this she will thaw..and she will tell you what she see's outside that window...xo Excellent as always..xo

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Lily Mae...we can always hope. I appreciate your kindness in taking the time to revie.. read more
// do you see posies and butterflies floating
hearing the rush of a zephyr's sweet sound? //

Wow my friend, this is something else. Another beautiful, heart wrenching piece. Love can be extremely complicated at times. This is just perfection, I loved it.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you so very much my sweet friend.
heart felt piece Jack I like it.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Latifa.
Jack while watching snow, I felt myself watching out of the window, good write and I like the way you change from OR to So and ending line was powerful, my friend you are one romantic soul. Bravo

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much my friend.
Heart wrenching but beautifully penned as you alway do. Love sometimes can be a many complicated thing. What else is there to say, that I haven't said about your works. :o) I'm back and forth on some to try and finish them off wilst inspiration comes knocking and I'm off with another. You can read any of other pieces already up if you'd like.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so much Blackrose. I will do that.

10 Years Ago

Thanks, I muchly appreciate that. Some are grrreat and some after progessing with my work, may need .. read more
What do I think when I look out the window? Today I am thinking that "I need some warmth and a day at the shore." I love the imagery. Just what I needed on a Friday when snow is predicted over the weekend! I, too, enjoy this sort of poem with organized meter, rhyme, and rhythm. It feels good to me. I always love reading your work. You are one of my favorite reads on WC. Thank you.
~Claire in VA

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks so very much Claire. Your kind words have brought my smile today.

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on February 7, 2014
Last Updated on February 8, 2014



San Antonio, TX

Not much to tell about me, I am just Jack, I am a poet, a writer, a musician, a painter, a builder and a dreamer. I live in south Texas but am originally from New Jersey and miss it more and more all .. more..


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