I wish you could see the way we are

I wish you could see the way we are

A Poem by J. Cole

i started typing in black, without being able to see what i am writing
and i thought this is like being blinded by the sun
being blinded by candlelight
and being born knowing the difference

we run away,
we’re running now while standing still
and i will answer when he calls me
every time i will pick up the phone
because he was almost my everything
before you became something
but some point seemed to be missed
i think i am full of typos
and wrong doings
and nothing happens to the right people

i won’t look at what i am writing
i i may lose faith in it if i look
i may want to erase
to turn something else out
but these things
these things are flying off of something
and i don't believe i should try to tell them not today,
not tonight i don't want to hear you
and i can't see you
and i shouldn't have to know you

we all decided at the same time
we thought this way would be better
then something made it turn into another thing
and i can remember the first time you touched my face
i can see the time we watched the stars
because we always did those things
we spent time in silence looking at each other,
looking at everything else
and everyone
and we still saw
each other

if i made any mistakes
it was not telling you enough how much i enjoyed those times

and if i can make anymore mistakes
i want them to all involve you

we are the space between the letters
we are the background
we are not empty.

© 2011 J. Cole

Author's Note

J. Cole
If you're curious about the picture, it was the APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) for Valentine's Day this year; I think it fits quite well.

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I tried to post something and I guess it is what ahd stopped me a thousand times form joining groups... my lack of skill in raceing the cyberspace monsters...I wanted to say I loved this , and it is something I will quote often to my husband...thanks you

Posted 13 Years Ago

I loved this. "If I make any more mistakes I want them to involve you " sigh....loely

Posted 13 Years Ago

A friend once told me that if I can sit in a quiet room with a woman I thought I loved and just sit there in silence and she also sits in silence doing nothing but thinking to ourselves. If we can do that for hours and still look at each other and say we enjoyed the time we spent together then it was true love. Your poem reflects this kind of love as you hit on something so simple as watching the stars together, something that cost no money, you don't have to really dress for, you don't even have to say a word but to enjoy the time together. Simplistic, charming and romantic.

Beautiful write.

Posted 13 Years Ago

"We are not empty" was a very strong note to end the write on, an optimistic, stubborn declaration that seems to confirm the myriad of emotions featured throughout the poem. This was a good write--you were right, this was very much like a rant. I don't mean that negatively, but in that it reads like a monologue wordplay that one might think alone, in some dark recess of the mind. It seems very personal. Good stuff.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on April 6, 2011
Last Updated on April 6, 2011


J. Cole
J. Cole


I like zombies, the color blue, Wes Anderson movies, xkcd and tomatoes. (If you don't know what those things are, shame on you! Just ask me and I'll point you in the proper direction.) Also, I'm 31. Y.. more..
