I'll be with you

I'll be with you

A Poem by JD Jessop

Love never dies


I’ll be with you


When autumn burns the colored leaves

The color you see will be me

When the thunder claps in the dark

I will be thwarting your enemies


Smell the pine along our forest trail

On the beach the colored shell

A swirling snowflake on your nose

Our favorite songs we know so well


Feel the warm summer breeze

Hear the wind rustle through the trees

See the shooting star in desert night

Smell campfire smoke in fall moonlight


I know I’ve passed and you strive on

But remember this sweetheart, I’m never really gone

With the sunrise each morning day

Gifts such as these I’ll send your way


You will never be alone

In my heart you have a home

Death is no obstacle for my love for thee

I’ll be with you………….for eternity



© 2014 JD Jessop

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Added on December 28, 2014
Last Updated on December 28, 2014
Tags: Love, loss, copeing, compainionship


JD Jessop
JD Jessop

Kolkata, kolkata, India

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A Poem by JD Jessop