Red pool

Red pool

A Poem by junaid altaf

our imagination and the beauty we can see and create within ourselves should always be shared in any way you can and i chose this way.

some carpels some petals
falling from the sky

with the wind as their carpet
holding them like the angel of love

they fall in a red pool of water
some ripples are born as they touch

comes a vixen with rainbow hair
and wine in her eyes

she splashes some water
on her jubilant face

those fateful drops
die a death wished by the one

looking at the beauty, romancing water
only hoping

if he were a drop
a drop in the red pool

d altaf

© 2014 junaid altaf

Author's Note

junaid altaf
some weed bribing me with a good imaginative state and this is a product of that

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Mmm...the end of last stanza was a rare wish....
Creative imaginary you've!!😊

Posted 6 Years Ago

junaid altaf

6 Years Ago

Thanks tahsin
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Interesting images you sort of paint with your words. I somehow came across your profile, nicely written pieces.

Posted 8 Years Ago

junaid altaf

8 Years Ago

Thanks for the review vanessa......

8 Years Ago

You're welcome.
Highly descriptive and tasteful, well done, good read.

Posted 9 Years Ago

junaid altaf

9 Years Ago

thanks thomas

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3 Reviews
Added on October 18, 2014
Last Updated on October 20, 2014
Tags: angel of love, wine, vixen


junaid altaf
junaid altaf

srinagar, north kashmir, India

a lot to be known very less to say but heaps to tell!!!!!!!!!!! more..

poet poet

A Poem by junaid altaf