Our Favorite Things

Our Favorite Things

A Poem by Jessica Jean

What are our favorite things?

Well, you love when I cry on your shoulder
My face buried there, leaking saltwater and makeup
Sobbing like some childless woman, or a child
With inscrutable words and a scrunched up face
You love me most like this.

Most when I am unhappy
Begging you for forgiveness or comfort or understanding
You love me unhappy one would think

Well, I love you when you are sleeping on me
Your face smushed up against the bed or couch or my chest
Silent or snoring like a father
Unable to speak or kiss or smile
I love you most like this

Most when you are lifeless
Not interacting or touching or singing
I love you lifeless one would think

But no, you love me like that
Because you can comfort me and caress me
To know that I show you my weak side
That in my crying, your love increases
And you see me as sweet and delicate
And while I may be unhappy, you are happy holding me

But no, I love you like that
Because I can support you and embrace you
To know that you show me your weak side
That in your sleeping, my love increases
And I see you as sweet and delicate
And while you may be lifeless, I am feeling the true joy of life holding you

© 2013 Jessica Jean

My Review

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The contradiction is a powerful driving force in this piece...Well penned my friend....Whisk

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jessica Jean

11 Years Ago

Thanks !
I was most intrigued by these two lines: "Sobbing like some childless woman, or a child" and " Silent or snoring like a father "... Seems to me that it is the very idea of the family unit that is questioned here. There are many layers to go through as we read this one, well done....

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jessica Jean

11 Years Ago


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3 Reviews
Added on January 27, 2013
Last Updated on January 27, 2013
Tags: Favorite, sleep, crying, love, snore, child, sweet, delicate, misunderstood, tears


Jessica Jean
Jessica Jean


I'm 19 from Long Island. Poetry is my muse, my best friend, and where I feel most myself. When I finish a poem, I feel like I've put a shining star down on paper. more..
