Death With Her

Death With Her

A Poem by Jessica Jean

Her eyelids shut
As the purple stardust blew in
It swirled her mind
Like a river of diamonds

I'll be waiting
Her lips managed in a smile
From a last burst
Of warm blood
The burst that lights the body up
Like a sun for a second
The burst- that in a moment- is gone

But she said she would wait
And when I lie down
It will be with her
Our heads together
Swirling in stars
Stuck in a diamond
Rainbow faces of our lives
And we point them out like constellations

© 2013 Jessica Jean

My Review

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"The burst- that in a moment- is gone" I read that line many times, it is truly beautiful, and haunting. Nice strong structure and use of imagery throughout ... well done!

Posted 11 Years Ago

Jessica Jean

11 Years Ago

Haha thank you :)

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1 Review
Added on February 27, 2013
Last Updated on February 28, 2013
Tags: Death, dying, love, patience, purple, stardust, constellation, star, space, diamond, raindbow, memories


Jessica Jean
Jessica Jean


I'm 19 from Long Island. Poetry is my muse, my best friend, and where I feel most myself. When I finish a poem, I feel like I've put a shining star down on paper. more..
