The Human Soul

The Human Soul

A Poem by A Foiled Soul

A poem depicting my philosophy and understanding if the human soul.

I look around,
But all I see,

Is all this darkness,
Surrounding me,

It's like a void,
For it's my home,

My little abode,
My empty dome,

But what is this,
Inside my world,

It seems a face,
My understanding unfurled,

For it seems to me,
My reality is breached,

By such a girl,
Who's identity I must beseech,

For the void was parted,
For me to see,

The most beautiful girl,
Staring back at me,

At just then,
I began to feel,

The most incredible thing,
It was almost unreal,

For happy was the word,
That came to mind,

And oh did it make me,
Ever so kind,

When I implored the girl,
To reveal her name,  Lexie was spoken,
Just a whisper remained,

For I begged this young lass,
To speak once more,

Yet she wished only to dance,
Upon this here floor,

As the void parted,
And revealed it all,

I find myself,
In a majestic hall,

The dance was pristine,
Perfect in every way,

Much like this young girls face,
I wished to see every day,

For the dance had ended,
And sad I now was,

Her face showed only joy,
As she hurried in a rush,

She proceeded towards,
The orchestra now playing,

And took her own song,
It was simply amazing,

My posture mirrored astonishment,
As her melody evolved,

And then it faded,
Everything simply dissolved,

The void returned,
It all disappeared,

As I turned to see her,
She whispered in my ear,

I am known as Lexie,
You will see me again,

For now you must live,
Not merely pretend,

This void is not real,
It is simply your soul,

It is broken down,
As black as coal,

But not much longer now,
It seems,

I will soon repair your soul,
Down to the very seams,

As she faded once more,
Not even a voice,

I try to remember,
If there was a choice,

To live so normal,
And to feel it all,

Or to be a dead man walking,
And do nothing but fall,

© 2015 A Foiled Soul

Author's Note

A Foiled Soul
I write poetry in the hope that many can learn from my view of the world. Please take a moment to fully understand the logic behind my words.

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I am impressed, well done :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

A Foiled Soul

10 Years Ago

Thank you. Every bit of feedback I receive receives my undivided attention. I appreciate your taking.. read more
Ars Goetia Poetry

10 Years Ago

Yw. Im pleased. Its not shoddy at all bro :)

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1 Review
Added on February 25, 2014
Last Updated on July 14, 2015


A Foiled Soul
A Foiled Soul

Laconia, NH

I would like to remain anonymous. I am but a whisper in the wind. more..

Gone Gone

A Poem by A Foiled Soul