Just A Dream Jick Love Story ep. 2

Just A Dream Jick Love Story ep. 2

A Story by Irishbabies

-Later on at Lunch-

Demi:*sitting at a lunch table alone with Joe*ok Joe what is it that your scare

of exactly?!

Joe:*sitting across from Demi*remember Adam and how he had to leave and broke

my heart well I don't want the same thing to happen to me and Nick

Demi:Joe you won't know unless you don't give it a try

Joe:I know but I just can't right now Dems

Demi:here's an idea theres going to be this school play about two lovers who fall

in love I heard Nick got a part maybe you can addition for the other part?!

Joe:I don't know Demi what if something goes wrong like I mess up the scene and

make a fool out of myself in fornt of Nick

Demi:Joe your going to do good trust me please try it out

Joe:fine when is it?

Demi:great today after school

Joe:fine go with me please

Demi:ok*bell rings*got to go to class see you later

Joe:ok bye dems*hugs her*

Demi:*hugs back/leaves*

-After school-

Teacher:ok next to addition is...Joe Jonas?

Joe:*goes up on the stage*yeah

Teacher:ok lets see what you got

Joe:*sees Nick next to the teacher/smiles at him*

Nick:*shocked Joe is even addtitioning/smiles back*


Teacher:ok um*looks at her notes*....you got the part congratulations!(sp)

Joe:*excited*thank you

Nick:*walks toward him*congrats

Joe:thanks so when do we start rehearsel?

Nick:um we can start right now if you have time

Joe:yeah sure

Teacher:ok people heres the script read it over than we can start rehearsel

Nick:*takes the script from the teacher/reads it over*

Joe:*does the same*

Demi:*walks over to Joe*Hey congrats on the role

Joe:thanks Dems*kisses Demi's cheek*

Nick:*looks up from the script/jealous/trys not to show it*so Joe should we start


Joe:um yeah*to Demi*stay and watch?


Joe:cool*to Nick*come on*leads him up to the stage*

Teacher:ok so lets start when Nate and Shane meet.And action*signals to them to start*

Nate:I'm Nate how about you?

Shane:I'm shane and this is my brother Jason*points to Jason*

Jason:hey what up?

Nate:hey nothing much,mind if I still shane for a while

Jason:cool not at all go ahead*to shane*catch you later bro

-An hour later-(sorry to skip they were just going to talk about ramdom things)

Teacher:ok so this is the last part where Shane and Nate finally kiss


Nick:if you don't want to do it,it's okay with me

Joe:*looks at Nick/thinking*um no lets do this

Demi:*nervous but happy that they are finally going to kiss*

Teacher:ok..And action

Shane:dare I ask if I may have your heart

Nate:yes yes my beloved a thousand times yes

Shane:and dare I ask if I may have a kiss your majesty(they play the role of two rich lovers,

sorry forgot to mention that)

Nate:*nervous*yes...I mean dare dare my beloved a thousand times dare

Shane*leans in*

Nate*leans in too*



© 2012 Irishbabies

Author's Note

Hope you guys like it!!!<3
1.Do you think they will kiss?
2.What do you think Joe's firends are going to say when they find out Joe is in this love play with Nick?
3.What do you think of the story so far?

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Added on May 21, 2012
Last Updated on June 6, 2012



Birmingham, West Midlands, United Kingdom

I'm queen elsa....:) Or may I?? more..
