How to Be Good Family

How to Be Good Family

A Poem by Joshua Colky

How to be Good Family

if there is one true tenet of being good family it is this:
      that no being is a stranger.
that there are no walls between us and no separation of intersecting molecules around us,
that one moondrunk smiling face to tragic frown is but the difference of twenty hours or twenty four years, but that it is all a face we wear one day or another.
and this is how You will be good family.
You will attempt to take others into Your home regardless of Your differences and make peace upon Your similarities, for they are more abundant than our anomalies allow us to fathom.
You will do your best to smile in passing for they are Your brothers and sisters and sometimes it is simply Your presence which will do. and if You cannot smile today, that is ok as well, because hopefully Your family will be good and smile at You. sometimes the most silent greeting of the eyes can say more then Your voice will ever be able to.
You will listen and be heard because communication is love. You will speak into the air and Your words will impress themselves upon the topography of Your family’s mind, and they will know better how You love them.
You will be loyal but not blind.
You will dance like no one is watching, so they say. and feel it through Your toes and hips, and embody more than your movements but how the music causes that flux, the chemicals pushing Your elation through Your body and out into a flurry of energy which floats up from You like firefly sparklers into the sky….and, if You are too shy, You will dance with Your eyes shut and Your mind springing its bare feet through the outlaying field, the inter-workings of Your self, grabbing Your brothers and sisters by the shoulders and shaking them, scream “BY GOD THIS IS ONE MARVELOUS EXPERIMENT, TO BREATHE, TO THINK, TO LOVE! (clearly, fortunate am I to have such a beautiful band of artists, minstrels, jesters and prophets by my side, to welcome the dawn with their morning song and dance into its rebirth a whole twenty four hours later)”
- if not out loud, than in Your head.
You will first think of others who will think of You first, in turn providing a circle in which no one falls without someone to catch them. it is more difficult to regain composure when You stumble by Yourself, and who shall carry You when You twist an ankle?
You will do Your best to understand and empathize with the motives of Your family, even if you cannot agree with their beliefs. there is never any peace when there is no compromise; aggression as an act is an act of war. its existence is no laughing matter and its usage rarely just.
You will be true and truly Yourself, and Your family will love You for it.
You will interact only to help others grow. if to love or to teach or to simply stand with family, sharing in moments which are at once, infallible and fleeting in the very nature of their existing. for this is a super nova existence, which balloons and explodes with the shimmer of energy, each tiny molecule uniquely dancing through time in his or her own magnificent two-step
      …or waltz, liquid or charleston, and any beautiful variation of which…
there is nothing more beautiful in existence then to grow simultaneously through simply interacting, treating each other with dignity and intentions of joyous occasions and peaceful moonrises.
You will keep in mind that this is temporary. it is also forever. within this paradox is everything we will ever need. i beg You to understand it. when You do, will You please explain it all to Me?
You will drink “to Us, and those like Us”, which is every one of Us on this beautiful ball.
You will think of Your family often and miss them when they are away, and they too will think of You often and whereever they go. and, in this way, You will never been far from those You love and they will never stop loving You.
You will treat all creatures with respect, for they are living, and therefore they are family. some family sacrifices for others, some family mistreats each other �" some family members never speak, their words and scars bottled up by stitched lips. some family members never smile, or dance. treat them just the same (unless they are unable to allow you to) and, if they are ever able to say it or not, they will love you for it.
there is no shame in saying “I love you” or “I will miss you”, no sadder thing exists then for people to be afraid to share this with each other. how, so often, we forget the true nature of love lies in family. if there are no strangers then it is not so hard to love each other.
You will give time, because it is the single most important thing You have. in this way You will love Your family and they, in turn, will replenish it with a million hours. and in those hours we will turn the tides of each others lives, the epic cloudburst above this big blue ship, our hair blowing in our face ‘til shaken from our cheek bones by the maddening tussle of manic release. to twirl amongst those closest, closer to the moment in which we have forgotten the silly concept that there ever was a me, or You, without each other. that we are only the sum of the moments we have spent together, and that i love You for doing this with me. i do not believe i could have done it on my own.
You will acknowledge that the utmost principal of family is equality. unique, amazing magicians of space, time and mischief, tailors of moments and sound and mystery, all blessing and weaving one giant rope we hold onto, none of us rising or falling without the other, all equals. let US grow together and prosper together and drink on tuesdays at two in the afternoon, because there is only one June this year, and one June next year, and only so many Junes that we have. but as for right now we have this June and we must not forget this by being lost in the future, (for soon enough we will be lost….in the future), for it is fine to drink here now. because I love having You around, and will miss You when you are gone, like so many Junes, of which I loved each one my entire life.

© 2012 Joshua Colky

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So beautiful. Lovely imagery, bright and vivid. colored the poetry wonderfully. the message is crystal clear and has given my morning a sunshine start. thank you so much.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Joshua Colky

11 Years Ago

thank you :)

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1 Review
Added on August 15, 2012
Last Updated on August 15, 2012


Joshua Colky
Joshua Colky

Denver, CO

Slam poet Joshua Colky began writing in his early teens and in high school participated in the scholarship program "Young Chicago Authors" where he learned to slam poetry by some of the greats and rea.. more..
