

A Poem by butterfly

Love is a tragedy to describe
it keeps me awake at night
its hard night after night without him by my side
Is this the destiny for my life?
Loneliness and mice?
I tried to get this out with peppermint and cinnamon
they keep coming out to run
i might have to get the traps
i never said we could be roomates
meanwhile i can still feel heartache
keeps me awake at night
am i just lost in loneliness
i am almost forty 
i never had a prom date
no diamond ring
i lived with a man who declared I wouldn't make a good wife
The next guy wanted me as a side to his already married life
Makes me want to cry
sometimes its alright
Rather be alone then with the wrong guy
Love is a tragedy that keeps me awake at night
When I die will my dog eaten bones be the only thing left to find?
The fright keeps me awake at night
the crazy world, loneliness and mice
I tried to get them out with peppermint and cinnamon
I am determined for this war to be won
No one said they could be my roommate
meanwhile its this fright that triggers heartache
how do i save space?
will i never again feel love's embrace?
the sky is grey cold with rain
thunder and lightening makes it all so frightening. 

© 2017 butterfly

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i lived with a man who declared I wouldn't make a good wife
The next guy wanted me as a side to his already married life
Makes me want to cry
sometimes its alright
Rather be alone then with the wrong guy

I know this feeling a lot.
This is so well written and expressed.
Full of powerful emotion

Posted 2 Months Ago


2 Months Ago

Thank you so much poetgurl!!! I love reading your reviews they mean a lot :)

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1 Review
Added on January 22, 2017
Last Updated on January 22, 2017




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A Poem by butterfly