Just a Girl

Just a Girl

A Poem by Jukebox

Written for the only person I have fallen in love with (that is as of now). I haven't given up on loving him; I've just decided not to waste my whole life waiting for him.


I’m just the girl who stood by your side when everyone abandoned you

I’m just the girl who had faith you could change and get out of what you got into

I’m just the girl you shared your dreams with even though I decided to keep my biggest one mute

And I’m just the girl you couldn’t help but think was kind of cute


I’m just the girl that loved you more than words could say

I’m just the girl who couldn’t stop thinking about you every day

I’m just the girl who cried tears for you in the middle of the night

And I’m just the girl that thought everything finally felt right


I’m just the girl that held back from seeing other boys

I’m just the girl you talked to about your new female toys

I’m just the girl who you told reminded you of your love

And I’m just the girl who you said your current girlfriend reminded you of


I’m just the girl that had to let you go

I’m just the girl that had so much emotion she wasn’t allowed to show

I’m just the girl that prayed God would show you the light

And I’m just the girl that dreamed of holding you tight


I finally see now that you’re just a boy

One who is caught up in the world’s hidden ploy

I’ll always love you because of who you are

But I’m done waiting for someone who’s gone so far

I finally understand that when you look at me

Just a girl is all you’ll ever see

 © By Amanda Gloth

© 2009 Jukebox

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Why does this poem remind me of my life?
Excellent work, hon. I am very, VERY impressed with the content and the tone of your writing =).

Posted 14 Years Ago

Wow. Great change of tone in the last stanza. This is a very powerful and emotional poem, great job! The only thing I think you should get rid of is the line "I'm just the girl who you told reminded you of your love". It just doesn't flow well like the rest of the poem does.

Posted 14 Years Ago

That was so amazing. wow. I'm certainly speechless. That was great! keep it up

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on July 16, 2009
Last Updated on July 27, 2009



Candyland, MI

I live to please only one and His opinion is all that matters to me. I'm me and I'm perfectly okay with that. Like me, hate me, love me, don't know me it doesn't matter it's who I am and how I'll st.. more..
