Moments in Time

Moments in Time

A Poem by J.V. Stanley

This was written with magnetic poetry.


June 16, 2011

After long whispers drive

your life into eternity,

only then can you recall

the bitter storm;

cool as water,

still as time.

Yet you dream of its sweet powers;

the delicate moments

like petals in a garden.

Their grace want of rock.

Watch as they soar about

within the cool light mist.

To lie in this forest of beauty…

Though when winter rips short the day

it too is robbed of true death. 

© 2011 J.V. Stanley

Author's Note

J.V. Stanley
Keep in mind that this poem was written with magnetic poetry I have on my fridge used as an ADD tool to keep from snacking so much. I'm not entirely sure about the title but I did like the imagery that conveyed a sense of thought about solitary moments in they stick with you yet through the passage of time they fade but ultimately remain ingrained within you.

My Review

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The ending of this piece really caught my attention. I think you used some phenomenal imagery to promote your point, and it is executed fantastically. Great job!

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 25, 2011
Last Updated on September 25, 2011
Tags: memory, nature, storm, love, death, seasons, moments


J.V. Stanley
J.V. Stanley

The Upper Peninsula of Michigan, MI

J. V. Stanley is the author of two books (both available on amazon). She is also the CEO and Founder of Writerz Block editing service where she has worked with authors such as Kandice C. Mason, John .. more..
