Anatomy of Thana

Anatomy of Thana

A Screenplay by ko

A young girl who does not yet know the meaning of her life meets her match, Jack the Ripper.


Anatomy of Thana


THANA, fearful 15-year-old redhaired girl with one pale white streak on the crown of her head

DAMIAN BOOTHE, renowned surgeon and serial killer known as Jack the Ripper

SCENE: The cold, dead air fills the streets, a flicker of scarlet makes its way around a corner covered in a long deep grey-green cloak.  It's dark but the fog reflects the moonlight for THANA  to walk her way down her favorite alley. It’s moist and dense there but she finds a sense of comfort within its slim walls, and the confinement, the feeling of being in such a place is like a blanket for her. The alley leads to an abandoned, burned down orphanage where she sits and goes through the left behind belongings of its previous occupants, to come up with little stories behind each like a puzzle. THANA is a girl often referred to as “strange” the town has a saying that even when alone she's never actually alone, she is tiny and slim almost mimicking malnourishment. A soft gasp is let out within her alley, it leads her to a small, half-sized window in the orphanage. There she sees a figure with hands drenched in a deep red liquid.

THANA  [whispering]    That’s beautiful. I'd like to know the name of the being behind it.

DAMIAN BOOTHE  [ in a deep pitless voice]    Come out so I can get a good look at you, I need to see inside the eyes of whom it may concern.

THANA  [ without hesitation, walks calmly and swiftly to meet the being with the deep coloring on their hands]

DAMIAN BOOTHE  [ leans in closely]    You're nothing but a child and yet I see no fear in your amber eyes.

THANA  [puts hand out to shake his blood drenched hand]    My name is Thana.

DAMIAN BOOTHE    Those who fear me, and have yet to see, or meet me know my work and only my work. To them I am Jack the Ripper, the name was not a choice nor is it in my favor.

THANA  [ looks down at the body to the left]    I see no ripping, its a clean cut across the throat and abdomen. [enthusiastically]    I shall call you by a name in your favor then, tell me what it is.

DAMIAN BOOTHE  [ entertained by her boldness]    Then to you I am Damian Boothe, why are you called Thana sweet girl?

THANA  [ grins slightly]    My father gave it to me because of my mother's death as she was giving birth to me. It’s Greek for death.

A raven that lives within the remains of the building sweeps downward to sit on the ledge stares directly into THANAS amber eyes. It rustled his feathers a bit to get comfortable but the eye contact was not once broken. THANA begins to get uncomfortable, she starts to panic and pulls on her hair. Her temperature rises and the discomfort is no longer bearable. The raven begins tapping on the window frame, it continues to get louder and more violent.

THANA  [ beginning to walk away, stumbling in a cold sweat with teary strained eyes ]    I'm sorry but the raven won't stop talking to me he's too loud! [ begins screeching out her words and squeezing her ears]    They left their things here! I am free of you leave me alone you devil bird! [begins running]

DAMIAN BOOTHE [chuckling]    Till next time my dear!

DAMIAN BOOTHE begins to collect his organs from the cadaver he grabs the heart and smiles as he thinks about THANA and her upfrontness. He wonders how such a girl can become so gruesome. He then walks down the abused, ashy, abandoned alley with his bag of goods. Laughing he makes his way to a door and inside is his sanctuary, his home. It's damp and moldy on the outside but inside is gold. His luxurious belongings glisten in candles light, straight down the long hall is a black door that stands out in the surrounding cream walls. His hands still in blood that is now dry and cracked open the door introducing a clean white room. Everything is bright and spotless, the only flaws is what goes on in those walls.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [unpacking his bag of carnage, singing as he goes] What a beautiful night to meet a beautiful fright. The light fills my heart, you feel to your knees and the dark is complete. [He pulls the heart out his bag and puts it in a basket and adds a loaf of bread, still humming his dark tune he makes his way to his bed and ends his night with a feeling of satisfaction.]

SCENE: DAMIAN BOOTHE makes his way back to the orphanage expecting to see young THANA again. He has a gift in hand, he can hear the heart whispering to him in the basket its voice is soft and sweet. Another voice sings drowning out the sweet voice.

THANA [playing with a doll with singed hair]    The light fills my heart, you fell to your knees and the dark is complete.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [sneaks in behind THANA]    How do you know that tune?

THANA [without turning to look at him]    The raven sang it to me, nice isn't it? [turns and notices the basket in his hand]    For me?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    Of course dear, I hope you like it. [hands THANA the basket]

THANA [throws out the bread]    A heart! This is so sweet, is it from last night?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    Yes my dear, I gave you a heart of your own. I thought it would be nice if I were to give you your first heart. I’d like you to join me in my nighttime strolls. [takes gloves off and runs his fingers through hair waiting for a response]

THANA [stands up with excitement]    Oh yes! Will we spill blood together?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    In the future girl. The heart whispered to me that it belonged to you.

THANA [lifts the heart to her ear]    I don't hear anything.

DAMIAN BOOTHE    And I didn't hear the raven shouting at you.

THANA [sits back down]    Will I be living with you?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    Are you comfortable sleeping in the same house with a person fascinated by death?

THANA Of course, but the question is are you comfortable sleeping in the same house with someone who embraces and contains it?

SCENE A younger version of THANA lies down on her back in a field reflecting golden glimpses of light, the cool air is blowing the grass in just a way it mimics the ocean. THANA stares out into the open sky and begins to wonder where it ends. The thought of an endless void of clouds and stars creates a pit in her stomach. She thinks back to her mom, whom she does not know and cannot remember. THANA asks herself why did she die, why did she have to kill her only mother when she didn't even know her. She tells herself that her mom must've been beautiful, she imagines ginger cloud like curls and a round face with the most sculpted cheekbones, all her father has ever talked about was her mother's cheeks.  That's all she'll ever know about her mother, after all she did kill her. THANA begins to go into a dark corner of her mind saying she was born to kill, the white streak in her hair tells it so. She was born with the fear and reluctance of life she was never meant to lead a good one, it is her destiny to kill and to die, but to always be alone. THANA begins to blame the curse of the streak and her name, she tells herself she didn't do it the devil put this curse on her and she began to embrace it. The name of THANA was given to her by the grace of the devil. The sky then turns black, blacker than night the moon and stars do not dare shine at this time. A force begins to lift THANA off the ground it feels like hundreds of fingers picking her up off the dirt. The world falls silent not even the slightest sound of grass rustling, there was no breeze to rustle in. She lays limp in the hands of the unknown and a whisper in the form of the softest of breezes reaches out and says “ young THANA, the carrier of death and the beholder of sin we bless you with the power from within. You must remain alone in this sad life for we have something for you on the other side.” Her body then slams to the ground and  flash of light appears.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [sitting in the corner of her guest bedroom watching and waiting]    I thought you would never wake up.

THANA    I dreamt of a time when I was younger and I now know my purpose.

DAMIAN BOOTHE    What is it?

THANA    I don't know if I want to fulfill it.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [curiously]    Why not?

THANA [worried]    I fear it might end badly and there is no prevention.

THANA stands and makes her bed while DAMIAN BOOTHE remains in the corner of the room he gave to her. They both sit in silence as THANA begins to dress herself and brush her thick two-toned hair. She places the sterling silver brush with carvings of flowers and leaves down on her dresser next to an intricately blown glass perfume bottle.

THANA [ breaking the known silence]    Why are you Jack the Ripper by night?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    I am not The Ripper.

THANA    Why are you the way you are? Why kill?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    It brings relief, I clean the streets whilst bringing pleasure.

THANA    Why pleasure?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    You can watch the burning desire in their eyes leave their cage, the light is there and I find it to be humorous. They don’t see the pain or suffering of the real world.

THANA Do you only kill those who do not see the pain?

DAMIAN BOOTHE [ speaks out proudly]    Everyone does not see! Only you and I dear girl!

THANA [ frustrated]    Why me? I didn't ask for any of this.

DAMIAN BOOTHE    We were born into this world with death already with us. It is in you and I. The grace of the Devil came over us, he blessed me with the name Damian meaning to tame. I am to tame death while you bring it Thana!

DAMIAN BOOTHE stands and walks over to her and leans in to her just the slightest bit. He begins to take off his black leather gloves and tucks them into a pocket. His hands look to be those of a pure man. THANA leans her head forward onto his comforting shoulder.

THANA [mumbles] But how do you know?
DAMIAN BOOTHE [looks down to the back of her head leaning on his shoulder] I know because of our familiars. Our gifts. Yours a raven, I have hearts. They speak to us.

THANA [looks up into his eyes which she's never noticed how oddly colored they were, it was a blue with a spot of brown on the bottom half] He is nothing but a raven.

DAMIAN BOOTHE   But that’s where you’re wrong my girl. He is a gift to you from the devil. You said it yourself. You embrace and contain death. Be proud.

THANA [ moves hand back on the dresser and touches the blown perfume bottle ever so        slightly. It loses balance and crashes to the ground, its finely blown remains splash in all directions.]    Whose perfume did I ruin?

DAMIAN BOOTHE    I made it. But it is not a normal perfume. It has been engineered to put someone to sleep.

THANA   How?

DAMIAN BOOTHE   I grow my own strand of passion flower and enhanced its ability just the slightest to use on my victims when needed. It's quite peaceful. The light is still there in the eyes, I feel the name Passion fulfills it.

THANA then begins to slip between DAMIAN BOOTHE and the dresser to make her way into the washroom. She shuts the door leaving him out, and turns to look in the mirror. As she stares into her eyes over analyzing every detail of her face she begins to smile. Clueless to how she is feeling, smiling is the only thing her body compels her to do. Her eyes look so deeply in pain, the sadness and the stinging of the tears just pour out, landing in the creases of her hurt smile. THANA can see the agony she is in, yet feels helpless. No one, not even herself can give her release. So she runs. She hurls the door open and runs, running past DAMIAN, past his room of death and out into the street.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [speaking in a disappointed tone to himself]   I should've known. They always run sooner or later, I don't think she can handle all the death awaiting her.

DAMIAN BOOTHE goes into the black door at the end of his glowing hallway. There was a sort of romance in the air once that door was open. He handles all his gadgets with so much care and love, almost as if they are his children. He takes a piece of cloth and folds it into an equal square, no unmatching corners. Then are his valuables, his tools, the iron and steel. Polishing their sharp corners until they shine in the candles light he puts them all into a single briefcase. Already knowing where to find THANA he heads to her alley, her sanctuary of loss and mourning. DAMIAN BOOTHE has always dressed flashy and was a handsome, put together man, but tonight was the ball. Something monumental was headed his way, and he knew. DAMIAN makes his way out of his castle and to his destination. A raven screeches at him, but he thinks nothing of it. Then another, there seemed to be a raven around every corner waiting for him. Once at the alley there was a conspiracy of ravens, all at once in their low croaks, they drowned out the air. The world began spinning in the noise, but DAMIAN never broke.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [shouting]  I know you're here Thana! [enthusiastically, he begins dancing in the streets singing his song.] What a beautiful night, to meet a beautiful fright! The light fills my heart! You fell to your knees and the dark is complete! [He lets out a loud hysterical laugh, it's almost like a cry of excitement.]

Seven times he chants his song, each with more thrill than the time before. Then there she appears, coming from the burned, rusty door way THANA stands and takes not one step.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [calmly looks with a sinister smile]  Why don't you look darling! [takes off his sleek hat and crouches over to the damp ground. He takes out his briefcase and begins to open it]   I began to think you were the one we've all been waiting for, and yet here I am chasing after you.

THANA [walking out of the doorway, she takes all of his attention] I truly enjoyed my short time with you, Damian, but, I think its time one of us go. [sarcastically chuckles]

DAMIAN BOOTHE [Pulls out a designed carving knife] Isn't she magnificent! As a recipient of the devils blessings you should bathe in the intimacy we share.

THANA I have always wanted to dance, since I was a young child.

DAMIAN BOOTHE Are you not a child?

THANA Dance with me Jack the Ripper.

DAMIAN BOOTHE Don't amuse yourself too much, my sweet.

[He takes his knife and places it in the inner pocket of his coat. He walks elegantly into her arms and there he grabs her hand. THANAS frozen hands attracts him, his leather gloves between the two disrupt the warmth. THANA takes his hand and slips the glove off. She takes his hand in hers again, and a never ending wisp of steam floats into the air.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [holding THANA tightly] Do you now see the intimacy we share?

THANA [buries her head into his chest] It’s sad that it's coming to an end.


DAMIAN BOOTHE [subtly] For a moment there I almost felt love.

THANA [mumbling]  I wanted to give your final waltz meaning.

DAMIAN BOOTHE the takes his one hand off her hip and reaches for his carving knife then twirls THANA around. Her cloak flies in the air. He launches his knife into her back and pulls it out with ease, it paints a possessing picture on the alley wall. Before he has time to realize, THANA turns around and presses her dagger, she kept concealed, into his chest.

THANA [smiling with content, a tear sheds from pain] Shall we continue our dance?

DAMIAN BOOTHE Until I fade Thana.

The floor is covered in their red love while their clothes bathe in the crimson intimacy, they dance their dance to the song of death as his life fades and her strength leaves her body. THANA lays DAMIANS body, onto the floor.

THANA I found this stone within the building. [She pulls out a smooth, pure black pebble and wraps it in his blood-drencheded fingers.] I hope it guides you through the afterlife, I'll meet you there. So it shall guide me.

DAMIAN BOOTHE [His once clean face begins to lose color.]  I lost hope once you left, but you're filled with rage, remain with that pain, my darling. [fading] As a gift, carve out my damaged heart and keep it as your own.

THANA [Lifts her dagger, ready to do as he asks] You're the closest I'll get to love, I'll cherish this.

DAMIAN BOOTHE Be sure to understand your work, sweet girl. Death is your art, sadness is your love.

He looks in her eyes using what strength he has left. DAMIAN BOOTHE smiles and THANA lashes her dagger down around his heart. His life fades away at the hands of her blade, she takes his heart out and places it in a pocket. She kisses his forehead then leaves into the darkness never to be seen, but only by those she paints.

© 2017 ko

Author's Note

ignore syntax and grammar problems, my first play how is the dialogue?

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Added on May 1, 2017
Last Updated on May 1, 2017
Tags: horror, fiction, play, killing, short story



dallas, TX