My Gallant Knight

My Gallant Knight

A Poem by Kate

A poem I wrote


Clad in silver and blue, they come riding through

The strong and the bold, of legends untold

The warriors of our youth.

‘Twas there a young man armed with nothing but charm came to sweep me up off of my feet.

My lady, my love, he sang unto me

my dear, my darling, my sweet

I’ve longed for you so,

I’ve searched high and low,

for someone of your charming way.

Your golden blonde hair, your blue eyes that stare,

shall shine on our wedding day.

My gallant young knight looked deep in my eyes,

pressing my hand into his chest.

I felt his heart beating, as if it were mine already, 

and it was my turn to confess.

My brave young lord, my gentleman with a sword,

my cavalier with a dashing physique.

I would without haste marry you,

and be your love true,

if you hadnt asked the milk maid last week.

© 2012 Kate

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How sweet and touching! 100/100

Posted 11 Years Ago

wonderful poem

Posted 12 Years Ago

Chivalry seems to be dead.. most men don't respect women nor go out of there way to help loved ones or strangers in need. It is a sad world now a days.

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

That wasn't exactly the point of this piece. It was just supposed to be fun. I agree with your obser.. read more
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This left me with a feeling of sadness. It was beautiful. Depicted the feeling of longing well:3

Posted 12 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on June 15, 2012
Last Updated on June 15, 2012
Tags: knight, gallant, maid, love, funny, sword, warrior, fantasy, humor



I'm an amateur writer, and I do a lot of old fashioned work. Sometimes I feel like it doesnt have any place in this new world we live in. I did not come on here to get hit on, so please stop sending m.. more..

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