A Bitter Disappointment

A Bitter Disappointment

A Story by Katniss

Hazel, Alaska's friend returns back to her home country after five years. But this stay in another country has completely transformed her. Will Alaska and Hazel still stay best friends?

The series of events that had unrolled on Alaska's day out with her friend had left her disappointed. Hazel was no longer the friend Alaska had known five years ago. Hazel's docile nature had been replaced by a disobedient one. Once a person who never did a single thing without asking her mother had nonchalantly dismissed her mother's orders of coming back home on time. The Hazel Alaska had known would never have shouted at the waiter in such a scornful tone. She had always been gentle and patient with everyone.
 Alaska was amazed at how just a few years in another country could completely transform a person. On their visit to the mall, Hazel had made judgemental comments about almost everyone they had passed. 'What kind of clothes is she wearing?', Hazel had sneered. At that moment, Alaska knew that their ten-year-long friendship would soon be coming to an end.
Alaska had planned to hang out with Violet on Saturday and had thought of inviting Hazel too. Alaska and Violet had decided to meet at their favourite restaurant, 'The Antique Place'. However, the seventies themed restaurant had turned out to be too old-fashioned for Hazel who was used to posh dining restaurants. 'This place is so outdated', she had said rather rudely in her accented voice. To which Alaska had replied, 'It's one of my favourites'. Hazel had frowned at this and was now shooting a look of disgust at Violet. 'Hey Violet, is that your grandmother's dress?', Hazel ridiculed. Alaska could sense the self-consciousness building up inside Violet. Violet being a shy person had only given Hazel a hurt smile. After Hazel had left to New York, Violet had been Alaska's closest friend. Alaska could not and would not let this insult go unavenged. Hazel had crossed all her limits now and Alaska could bear this no longer. 'At least, she doesn't look like a walking-talking neon sign' Alaska retaliated, smirking at Hazel's neon yellow clothes. 
This was only the start of the mini-war which took place between Hazel and Alaska. Violet a silent spectator, was dying with guilt having been the cause of this fiery argument. 'You are doing all of this just because of that one comment I made?' screamed Hazel her hands flailing wildly in the air. ' You are forgetting who that comment was for! My closest friend!' Alaska screamed back. 'I thought I was your closest friend' said Hazel. 'You were but not anymore!' said Alaska. 'Fine then, if this is how you want to end our ten-year friendship' said Hazel with not even a hint of sadness in her voice. 'I have no reason to put up with someone like you' screamed Alaska while storming out of the cafe, Violet by her side.
And that my friends was the end to a ten-year-old friendship which had left Alaska shaken. All their promises of never forgetting each other were broken, just like that. 

© 2016 Katniss

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Added on March 6, 2016
Last Updated on March 6, 2016
Tags: disappointment, old friends, mean, friends
