Calum Imagine

Calum Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

Today, you and Calum were hanging out at your crib just like the old days. He was on break from tour so he set the date just for the two of you.

“Okay, let’s see…. Calum truth or dare?” You asked.

“You really wanna play that game right now?” He asked back.

“Yes! Now choose already. Truth or dare?” You asked again.

“Ugh! Fine… Truth”

“Hmm… I’m not really sure what to ask.”

“Come on, let’s play another game!” He whined.

“Aha! Tell me something that you regret the most.” You smirked.

“Well… you see there’s this girl.” He said.

“And?” you were getting impatient

“Listen! Your making me lose the momentum!”

He took a deep breath and continued:

“As I was saying there was this girl and I really like her a lot. She’s always on my mind, she’s got my heart tied in a knot and my stomach in a whirl. I had a chance to be with her one night when everything was perfect…” he stopped.

“And you… you never had a chance to tell her how you feel.” You finished what he had to say. Feeling a little hurt knowing that you have been crushing on him since you met you tried to hide it.

“Well, yeah. I mean I should’ve kissed her!” He said clearly pissed off.

“Why don’t you?” You said faking a smile.

He looked at you confused.

“You like her don’t you? Come on, Cal what is not to love? Besides it’s not too late you might be surprised that maybe that girl feels the same way!” you said.

“Well maybe you’re right.” he smiled

“Now go get her.” you said looking at the ground.

“How?” he asked you

“Uh… You can call her.” you suggested

He followed you and grabbed his phone. All of a sudden, your phone rang and he was calling you. You answered it even if he was in front of you.


“What kind of joke is this?” You laughed.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Calum”

© 2014 Kree Camille

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Kree Camille
Kree Camille


Amateur writer. I don't write that good so don't expect too much from me. more..

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter II Chapter II

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Kree Camille