Ashton Imagine

Ashton Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

One shot -xx


*Ding dong*

You rushed to the door knowing who it is. Someone you missed so much because he has been on tour for three months.

“Ashton!” You said while jumping to hug him.

“I missed you too Y/N!” he said hugging you back.

You pulled away and led him inside. Your best friend’s back and you have all the time to talk about anything under the sun.

“You hungry?” you asked him.

“Yup. I missed the giant sundaes we used to make.” He said.

“Well we can make them right now. To the kitchen.” You pointed out.

Out of nowhere he grabbed your waist and carried you to the kitchen counter. You screamed at the top of lungs begging him to let you down. Upon reaching the counter, he set you down on the ground.

“You’re lucky you’ve been on tour!” you said sticking your tongue out.

“Whatever! Come on let’s get cooking!” he said rummaging the fridge just like before.

You laughed because he still knows every inch of the house as it is before he left. You grabbed the tall glasses and spoons and other stuff you will need.

“Let’s see? What else do we need?” he said carrying a bunch of ingredients on both arms.

“Oh, Ash let me help.” You said grabbing the other ingredients and laying them down on the table.

“Whipped cream!” He screamed

“I’ll get it.” you said stretching your arms to reach it in a high cabinet.

You felt someone grab your sides lifting you high enough to reach the whipped cream.

“I could’ve done it myself.” You pouted.

“More cooking, less talking.” Ashton rolled his eyes.

You went on scooping the ice cream and adding the toppings when someone sprayed whipped cream on your hair. Nice.

“Ash!” you said annoyed.

He started laughing at your reaction. You were clearly pissed off and hungry for revenge so you grabbed anything that was in hand and threw it to where he stands. He got some flour and sprinkled it on you. You guys were throwing pretty much anything until the neat place became the exact opposite. You found a chance to finish off the match seeing the hose in your sink and spraying water all over Ashton.

“Okay, okay Y/N! I give up!”

“Yes! Wanna hug?” you cheered.

He nodded and hugged you. He got the chance to spray whipped cream on your lips when you pulled back.

 “Victory is much sweeter like this.” He said placing his lips on yours.

“Yeah! I love winning.” You said pulling him to another kiss.

© 2014 Kree Camille

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Kree Camille
Kree Camille


Amateur writer. I don't write that good so don't expect too much from me. more..

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter II Chapter II

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Kree Camille