Calum Imagine

Calum Imagine

A Story by Kree Camille

“What the heck do you do with these things?” Calum asked rummaging around your collection of cameras.

“I love taking pictures Calum. It’s like you don’t know me.” You laughed.

“You don’t need a bunch of cameras for that Y/N, you have your phone.” He teased.

“Like the way you don’t need your bass guitar to perform.” You answered back.

“Uhh… no.” he said grabbing another camera.

You just smiled and didn’t answer back.

“How many cameras are here?” he asked again.

“Tons! There are so many I lost count.” You said proudly.

One camera in particular caught his attention. He took a good look at it as you grabbed one of your favorite cameras and angled it at him.

“This one’s nice.” He said.

“Hmm… That was given to me on my birthday.” You said standing at your angle.

“How do you take pictures with this thing?” he said turning the camera.

“I’ll show you.” You said going outside.

“Where are we going?” he said following you.

“To the place where the magic happens.”

After a few minutes of walking and discussions on how to use the camera you finally arrived at the park.

“The park?”

“Yes, Cal. The park.”

“What’s so magical here?”

“Stop complaining and listen!”

You took him to your favorite spot and looked for a good subject to shoot.

“Cal, come here.”

He made his way beside you.

“See that view? We are going to shoot it.”

“I can’t even use this!” he said.

You laughed at his reaction and taught him the proper way of holding and showing him the differences between the number of shots you had. It fascinated you that you had a chance to show him one of the things you loved doing.

“Cool! Now I see why you like this.” He cheered.

“Wanna put what you’ve learned to the test?” you suggested.

“Sure.” He said.

“Okay… Why don’t you take a shot of something that you love or anything that inspires you.” You said.

“Great! You’re gonna be taking shots too right?”

“Yes. Let’s compare it later on.”

“I’ll bet I will win.”

You rolled your eyes and went on looking for a good subject. Calum was just standing there staring at you.

“What?” you asked him.

“Nothing” he insisted.

“Get shooting, Hood!” you laughed and went on searching again.

You found two kids playing by the swings and thought that it might be a good subject. You sat down and looked through the lens of your camera. A few moments later Calum arrived and sat right in front of you.

“Calum Thomas Hood!” you said annoyed.

“What?” he said trying to be innocent.

“What are you doing? You’re blocking my shot!”

“Sorry.” He said not backing off.

You rolled your eyes and peeked through the lens of the camera again, only this time Calum was aiming his shot at you.

“Calum, I thought I told you to shoot something you love.” You said.

“I am doing it.” he insisted.

“What ?”

“I am taking a shot of my world because she’s right in front of me.” He said and took the picture.

© 2014 Kree Camille

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Added on June 5, 2014
Last Updated on June 5, 2014


Kree Camille
Kree Camille


Amateur writer. I don't write that good so don't expect too much from me. more..

Chapter I Chapter I

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter II Chapter II

A Chapter by Kree Camille

Chapter III Chapter III

A Chapter by Kree Camille