A Poem by Bill Grimke-Drayton

An ecstatic revel in pleasure!


I tasted the nectar of the gods,

drank my fill of it,

slaking my avid thirst to the last dregs.

I indulged myself in the profligacy

of sumptuous banquets, set before me

as I fell headlong into temptation’s snare

- willingly!

No guest was better served of all he desired,

no stranger made more welcome

at the table of the night’s luxuriating creatures.

Dark angels drew me into their masked balls,

no-one quite knowing who was dancing with who,

as wings enfolded me into a softening womb of comfort.

I became as one enthralled and ensnared

- and blind to the world’s ennui beyond

the voluptuous revelries in which I was

impelled to enjoy and savour

every last drop of love’s ocean.

© 2015 Bill Grimke-Drayton

My Review

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Wow! I thought that was really great!! What a journey into ... into what? well, into love ultimately, but it was the journey through the pleasure's of excess and temptation that captured me.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Bill Grimke-Drayton

8 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your review, Marcus. I'm glad you liked it.

8 Years Ago

it's a really good poem!

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1 Review
Added on October 16, 2015
Last Updated on October 23, 2015


Bill Grimke-Drayton
Bill Grimke-Drayton

Nantwich, Cheshire, United Kingdom

I was with WritersCafe before, and found the site again. I have completely rewritten the information about myself. So much has happened in the last few years. Firstly and most importantly of all I ca.. more..
