Memories of holocaust

Memories of holocaust

A Poem by Wayfaring stranger

Dark gate of Europe
Empty aparments
Death orphans of Israel
Ideology of cruelty

Blood on the dirty hands
Mission of eugenika
Medical experiments
On tortured flesh of victims

September trees
Are in burning wet fields
Arrival of infections
Nocturno genocide

Exodus in Eastern-Europe-
Emotional violence
Gas chambers of remembered --omen

© 2019 Wayfaring stranger

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This is sadly dark but uplifting in that it begs questions of today and our motivations. Coming from Scotland many of us still live with the scars that Edward I of England inflicted and the theft of our sovereignty by the English at the forced Act of The Union. Hence I am supporting Scottish Independance. On top of all that is the trouble in Northern Ireland (Scotlands brothers) stirred up by The English. And despite the cooling of the Troubles of the 60s, 70s and 80s scratch the surface and Catholic and Protestant are ready to take up arms against one another again. Many who want to exit Europe [Brexit] fear a federal state dominated by Germany. How complex we are but how fickle.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Wayfaring stranger

5 Years Ago

I was use to live at Scotland when was referendum about get separet from England. I think that time .. read more
I've read a few books on the cultural connections between Social Darwinism, Freud, Nietzsche (to name a few) and the horrors that accompanied Hitler's rise to power. So many things I never knew-- or rather things I wish I had been taught in school. I think children need to be taught more about connections so they don't grow into adults who believe things occur in isolation. Context is so important. I feel it in this poem.

The poem did bring to mind the circumstances of the Holocaust-- but it also zoomed out for me to encompass things that aren't as readily discussed and understood. It reminded me of those things I had read and how people were able to find justification for vile acts in philosophies and scientific findings by removing the human factor. There is always a human factor-- we just need to find a way to connect the human factor to theory in a way that allows us to see the humanity in all human beings and not be selective in who we choose to degrade or protect. The blind hand keeps reaching and reaching.

As we know, the atrocities and suffering didn't end on V-E Day but continued for decades and the effects are still being felt. In my own part of the US, in some ways, we are still mulling over the circumstances and outcome of the Civil War. There are people who still look to that period in history as unfinished and seek to return and refight those battles, in a sense. I have come to understand that the past is never really the past but something that continues to live in us and manifest in myriad ways. We are creatures of history-- feeding on the wounds of the past.

It is troubling how easily we slide into destructive and violent ways of thinking and behaving. Your poem acts as an urgent signpost and reminder, for me. A reminder of where we have been and where we could easily end up once more if we are not paying attention. Excellent work.

Posted 5 Years Ago

Wayfaring stranger

5 Years Ago

Some people can just completly mess up original ideas. We can see this at daily news . I think also .. read more

5 Years Ago

It's interesting what you say about not realizing you lived in a dictatorship until it was over. I c.. read more
Wayfaring stranger

5 Years Ago

Comunnistic propaganda was very strong. Basicaly you have that propaganda since you was born. If you.. read more

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 13, 2019
Last Updated on October 31, 2019