when love comes around

when love comes around

A Poem by Pointblank

When love comes around

Can you see the lavender sky

Do you smell the air fresh with new fallen rain

Being one with the earth

You and the ground

Is that how it feels when love comes around

Touching my hand

Caressing my face

Kissing me deeply

Then moving slowly down

Is that how it feels when love comes around

That tiny life

Put in my hands

The tears that flow

Those simple sounds

Is that how it feels when love comes around

When your far away

And my heart feels alone

When you are missing

And cant be found

Is that how it feels when love comes around

PB 8/4/08



© 2008 Pointblank

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I love the progression. The many facets of love. The love of a lover, holding your child in your hands for the first time (yuo gave me goosebumps again on that one), and the loss of a love. Very moving poem, well done!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I enjoyed reading this! Good poem!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Well, I don't know about rocks hitting my head, but I do know the feelings you express; that something that can't be fully explained or put to words. You can only wonder and feel the emotions you do and in this you ask the question as if another can feel it and tell you that yes, this is love, this is what it feels like. It's so different for so many of us. But it exists as a living thing almost in all who feel it and damn it ...it's so vital! You ask what others think. It is nice to see it and make me ponder the question as well. Take care!

Posted 15 Years Ago

I enjoyed the progression through some of the various stages of love and the continued questioning of is that how love feels when it comes around... :)

I have to admit though, that I could not help but think of the image for this poem as I thought about that question. Love feels like a rock to the back of the head... when it comes around.

Posted 15 Years Ago

So sweet and beautifully done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

When love comes around, what a beautiful title and poem. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 15 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on August 4, 2008




--------------------------------------------------------------------- So much has changed. Even the poems Ive written seem so foreign to me. I've come back to write again and found an emptyness of.. more..


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