

A Poem by Nishan

Why do you say no, when I know you mean yes?

Your heart is a book, and your eyes are its words

When I look into your heart, I see into your struggle

Your love verses your logic, your feeling verses your minding


But why do you say no, when your eyes say yes?

By yourself, minding rules victorious, unchallenged

With me, minding retreats hesitantly, unwinding

Your love dominating your logic, your feeling dominating your minding


Still, you say no when your heart says yes?

In our union, the world is one, complete

On our own, the world is two, fleeting

Logic loathing the truth, love needing the two


Why do you say no, when your love is the truth?

Your mind does not know feeling, and your heart does not know logic

An understanding that will be forever unseen

Feeling is not logical, while loving is not thinkable


So, why do you act yes, when you speak no?

Your body, your heart and all of your being reject all that is your thinking

The forbidden fruit of the truth is what you reap

This is the truth that you will forever keep


So when you are alone and your mind is thinking

It will sit and count in fearful sinking

Until the day will come again, as it once was before

That a rebellion will begin, and the fruit is again bore

© 2010 Nishan

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Added on February 1, 2010
Last Updated on February 2, 2010
Tags: Love, Logic, Forbidden fruit, Truth




I get random urges to write or draw...infrequently more..

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A Poem by Nishan