The Face

The Face

A Poem by Lanaia Lee

for all that were touched by the disaster of Atlanta Georgia



Ever since I was a child, I have had an over whelming fear of you
I am not alone of my fear of you, I'm sure many more people are just like me
In your presence, there is really no safe place, a person's choice in this, well they are very few
When some crosses your path, I'm sure they just want to flee.
If any one has ever experienced what you have to give, I'm sure they just want to run away
You are so particular about whom and what you choose to affect
If people know you are headed their way, they gladly step aside,totally move out of your way
You can been seen on a horizon or in the clouds, you are not that hard to detect.
To some you still present yourself to people as some over you are still is awe
But not those, the ones that your path fate made you cross
Some of the older folks refer to you as the devil's claw
No doubt in my mind, if you think of stressful things then you are the boss.
When most think of you, people are so afraid they are going to die
I have seen you, as you so carefully choose the victims, the ones you choose to inflict your hell
Those that survive your wraith, only look to others looking for the answer to the question why
You wanting to sell your wares, death, destruction, and devastation, the survivors that live, to others of this downfall, they wish to warn and tell.
Those that have seen you, helplessly watch in disbelief, as you twist and turn
Delivering all the horrors, one could ever imagine in their mind
People, still wanting to know about you, them not caring how long they have to study and learn
Looking for answers about you, high and low, up and down, these answers they desperately hope to find.
Now you have shown your ugly face here, in the very deep South
A town that came back from the Civil War, the Olympic bombing back in ninety-six
Now Atlanta Georgia, a major city in the South
Twister, a major terror, when you show your face, not only buildings we have to repair, the death, also there remains so many human hearts that we have to fix.

© 2008 Lanaia Lee

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Added on March 16, 2008


Lanaia Lee
Lanaia Lee

burlington, NC

Lanaia Lee is a 46-year-old stroke survivor that suffered a stroke at 35 due to high blood pressure. Her disease is called erratic hypertension. Ever since the stroke Lanaia has been in a wheelchair b.. more..

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