Their Dreams

Their Dreams

A Poem by Lanaia Lee

those that went before me



I never expected to find myself in this type of situation, out here all alone
I got lost from my path as I was making my way across Death Valley
The thought of being all alone here, even under the harsh heat of the sun, chills me to the very bone
Nothing here but heat, sand, the devastating sun, no one here to hear my pleas.
I think about those that got lost here so long ago
The hardship and the plights they endured, just for a better life, one which was never within their reach
I think I have it bad, I shudder to think of the awful times those of the past had to endure, my predicament seems trivial when I think of all the hardships they had to hoe
Surely there were lessons to be learned, these people gave their lives, as those that died, us of the future, those lost, us they hope to teach.
Being here alone in God's hell on Earth, I can imagine the anguish and anticipation, of those, that went before me
Everywhere one looks just rocks and sand, no water or green for as far as the eye can see
I can just imagine the women and children, and no one around to hear their pleas
Thinking water is over the next hill, but in reality there was none to be had as far as they could see.
I look in my canteen, seems I'm in the same situation, that those were from so long ago
Water running low, I must ration my use, if I want to see the light of another day
The desert, never a friend, always a devastating foe
I know my choices are very few, but I want to survive, I want this with no delays.
At least the sun is almost gone, twilight is making itself known to me
Look at the sky! All the different colors, it's really beautiful, I bet this gave the illusion of hope to many
Them thinking, a picture painted by God, this is a sign, that this was meant to be
I feel them, they are all around as if to the other side, they are here to welcome me.
Soon I hear someone calling my name, am I imagining this or is it real?
Then I see a man, I don't think he is a figment of my imagination, something that is just a dream
He is real when he reached his hand out to me, it was very very real
I was lucky, this place I survived, but I have to look back and think of those that weren't as lucky as me, in this place they gave up everything, even their dreams.


© 2008 Lanaia Lee

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Lanaia Lee
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Added on March 23, 2008


Lanaia Lee
Lanaia Lee

burlington, NC

Lanaia Lee is a 46-year-old stroke survivor that suffered a stroke at 35 due to high blood pressure. Her disease is called erratic hypertension. Ever since the stroke Lanaia has been in a wheelchair b.. more..

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