I Will Sleep Now

I Will Sleep Now

A Poem by Lanaia Lee




The farther I drive, the less I can see
I am going to have to stop for a while, seems I have got caught in a blizzard, a total white out
I wasn't prepared for this in any way, but of course that sounds just like me
I should have taken another way, a different road, a different route.
In my car, I have no blankets, no extra food or water, not even a flash light
I have to pull over because I can no longer see how to drive
Snow, everything is so silent and white, during the day time, everything is so very bright
Seems to my destination, I will be late, when I finally arrive.
No one knows, I was going to see my family
No one knew I left home, or where I was going no one, not one soul expects me
Out here, all alone in this desolation, no one can hear my pleas
My cell phone doesn't work out here, so I can call no one to come to my rescue, someone that could find me
I guess you could say I don't think things through, I do everything on impulse, I never think
Well, if I make it through this, I think that part of me needs to change
I think I will stay in my car, the snow is so thick,my eyes out there, I don't even think I could blink
It is starting to get cold, not preparing for this, I guess some might think I could be deranged.
With just a thin coat, my body starts to shiver, from the cold out side my car
A few hours have passed and the snow is not letting up, I'm starting to get thirsty and hungry
But for this I didn't prepare, no other cars on the road, from civilization, here from that I am so far
I want to sleep, I try to stay awake, because I know if I sleep, from life itself I will be free.
My eyelids are getting very heavy, as my body continues to shiver out of control
My body using up energy, as it tries to stay warm but there is no warmth here , no warmth for my body to allow
I have never been religious, but I pray if I die my soul to heaven it will go
If you will excuse me,my eyelids are very heavy, so I think forever, I will sleep now.


© 2008 Lanaia Lee

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Added on March 30, 2008


Lanaia Lee
Lanaia Lee

burlington, NC

Lanaia Lee is a 46-year-old stroke survivor that suffered a stroke at 35 due to high blood pressure. Her disease is called erratic hypertension. Ever since the stroke Lanaia has been in a wheelchair b.. more..

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